Weight Loss– The Journey Begins


imagesThose of you who know me, know that I’m a rather large man. I’m not bragging, nor complaining. Just stating the facts as they are. I’d put myself in the top ten per cent of large guys, worldwide. This might not be something that a person would normally blog about. I don’t know. Is there a norm; a yardstick to measure blog posts. Anyways, I had an idea.

Recently, I’ve been inspired by friends who have lost weight. I’ve also had a difficult summer, with my weight contributing to some health problems.

SHHH!!! Please don’t tell my wife. She’ll just worry. 

It’s time. Time to make some changes. What does this have to do with my blog, you may ask? I’m going to set a goal for the amount of weight I want to lose before Christmas. Then, on a weekly basis, I’ll give you an update on my progress; maybe some insights I’ve gained.

What do I seek from you? 

-Prayer and Support

-Advice, if you have any to give


-Maybe, you have some weight to lose and would like to join me on the journey. Feel free to post your goals. I’ll be praying for you!


Well. . .here we go. Choosing a goal is not easy. I don’t want to make it too high, then get discouraged when I don’t reach it. I don’t want to make it too low and reach it in a couple of weeks. I also have to keep in mind the amount of weight (overall) that I need to lose, and on top of that, we’re coming into the fall/winter months. Historically, that’s when I gain weight.

NO! NO! Don’t think of those things! Set a goal and stick to it.

Okay. I would like to lose fifty pounds by Christmas. There! I said it.

Friends, your next update will be on Saturday, September 14th.

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10 Responses to Weight Loss– The Journey Begins

  1. daughter-in-law says:

    you can do it!

  2. Edie Purta says:

    Hey there Pastor…..it is the hardest thing to do, for all of us who need to lose…..but it is the right thing to do, you have beautiful grandbabies who need you now…..so that should be inspiring for you…..i admire your honesty, and i will pray for you to reach that goal…i heard from Pastor Thomas, that you lost a lot of weight before, so you CAN do it !!!!! Blessings to you as you start this journey!!!!! Edie

  3. Jessica says:

    I am 100% confident that you can accomplish your goal.

  4. Cassie says:

    Keeping track of what I eat & daily activity on http://www.myfitnesspal.com has really helped me stay on track. It’s free & easy to use. If you have a smartphone or an ipad, you can download the free app. What I like about that is I can scan a barcode on a food product & all of the info (serving size, calories, fat grams, protein, sugar & sodium) comes up! I also like that it tells me how many calories I have “earned” when I exercise 🙂 You can connect with friends for support, too. Look for me; I’m poorcassie. God bless you on your journey!

  5. Rev. Reginald Thomas says:

    Best wishes and our support is totally with you.

  6. Jonathan Malanowski says:

    Do it to it my brother!

  7. Mary Scro says:

    I know you can do it. Can’t wait to see what the Lord shows you during this time. With Him for you, with you, in you, and cheering for you, how can you lose? Oh wait, that’s the goal. Ok, let me try again…how can you NOT lose? :-).

  8. Joann Claypoole says:

    I have no doubt you can do this, Jeremiah! I’ll be praying for you and will keep in touch. :))

  9. Jason W. says:

    Best of luck to you! I started my weight loss journey in April. I have made several changes to my diet after meeting with a doctor and nutritionist. I also opted for weight loss surgery which I had at the end of July. I am currently down a total of 95lbs most of which didn’t come from the surgery! The best advice I can give is make sure you drink 8 cups of water a day, eat high protein, low fat/carb, and use something like myfitnesspal.com to track everything you eat. I will send prayers your way. If there is anything I could do to support you, please let me know!

  10. AJ says:

    Just some documentaries to watch… they inspired me and I hope anyone reading this can find something useful in them… tell your friends! ‘Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead’ ‘Forks Over Knives’ and ‘Hungry for Change’

    I don’t buy Feals (Fake Meals like slimquick or nutrosystem), but I took a page out of Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead, and began replacing my pre-dinner meals with juice made in my kitchen with fresh veggies and fruit. my first week, I lost 6 pounds, and I still ate a normal meal for dinner (not fried food, but just healthier than usual). for snacks, only foods with labels i could pronounce or stuff that came straight from the ground/tree. I still love ice cream once or more a week, but I cut out milk (liquid only) from my diet (I miss it, but I don’t miss the phlegm…whocktooie!)
    Anyhoo, good luck and I will keep praying for you! If you have time, pray for me, too 🙂

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