My Weight Loss Journey Continues

imagesIt’s been a long two weeks. For those who are following my weight loss journey, you know I had a terrible weigh in a couple of weeks ago. It was so bad, I didn’t even list the pounds gained.

Wouldn’t it have been nice if it were simply ounces gained, but no such luck.

This passed Saturday, I was pleasantly surprised at a nine pounds loss.


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Please keep me in your prayers for my next weigh in. MUCH PRAYER NEEDED.

Let me explain why.

I have never lost weight three weeks in a row. For over a year I have been keeping track of my weight through week to week weigh-ins. They may go– loss, loss, gain. . .gain, loss, loss. . .gain, gain, gain. . .loss, gain, loss. . . You get the picture.

But they’ve never gone loss, loss, loss. 


Pray for me!

Also, on a personal note, my wife and I are closing on a house the end of this week. That means a lot of stress, a lot of going back and forth to the new home with boxes and the such, which will mean grabbing food on the road.

…I don’t do good with food on the road.

I need His strength!

Also, several of my friends have shared with me that they too are on a weight loss journey. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE. May you be encouraged by the fact that I pray for you every day. I know God is with you!

Well, that’s it for now! Remember, even when you have bad weeks (like I did) don’t give up! God can do great things in you.

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