Fear versus Trust

Have you ever felt like your life’s tailspinning out of control? That you’re swirling down into a deep, dark hole, with no way out? That’s me the last few months. Between health issues, financial difficulties, job concerns, and other things.
Don’t get out the tiny violins. I’m not looking for sympathy. Read on. I’ve a point to make.
To top everything off . . .over eighty inches of snow in less than three and a half weeks. Sure. It’s good for skiers, snowboarders, and penguins. I’m none of these. I’m one of the millions who have run out of places to put the snow. I’m the man with water dripping in his kitchen from the ice build up on his roof.
Wonderful! More financial concerns.
A couple of nights ago, as I was stewing over my problems, the phone rang.
“Hi dad.” It was my son, Jerry. Something was off in his voice. “I’ve had an accident.”
It seems his car hit black ice. It spun out of control, hit and sailed over a five foot tall snow embankment, then flipped over and slammed into the ground. The roof crunched against his head. All the airbags deployed.
During this, the car’s contents flew through its cabin- Glass bottles, ten pound weights, his gun safe, his German Shepherd, amongst other items.
He then had to kick the door open to get out.
My heart sank. I pictured him lying in a hospital bed, his arms and legs in traction. “Are you OK?”
“I’m OK.”
“Broken bones? Cuts? Bruises?”
“None. The car is totaled, but I’m OK.”
All of a sudden, the black hole that had been consuming me disappeared.
My son Josiah, a paramedic, told Jerry these are the types of accidents he pulls dead bodies out of.
Even while I’m typing this, I’m tearing up. Not because of the ice on the roof, or water in the attic, or financial troubles. They seem so trivial now.
It puts things in perspective for me.
Are you sinking in a black hole of despair, because of life’s situations? Consider this verse.

Psalm 56:3-4 Whenever I am afraid, I will trust in You. In God (I will praise His word), In God I have put my trust; I will not fear. What can flesh do to me?

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