Just Shoot Them!

Do grumpy and complaining store clerks bother you? They bother me. Like vampires, they drain the shopping spirit right from my very soul. My wife and I were in a store ( a national chain, by the way) and we ran into a soul-draining store clerk. She complained about everything from the management, to their shortened lunch break, to the line of clothing they carried.

Tell me something. Why do perfect strangers think they have the right to grumble at me? Do I have one of those faces that says, “Please gripe and complain. I can’t wait to hear.”

The store should fire employees like this. Maybe take them out behind the barn and put them out of their misery.

We walked out of there, vowing we’d never go back again. Honestly!

The sad truth is, there are church people like this? People who like to complain and gripe about their church? I’m sure you’ve met them. They always have a negative word to say, a complaint about the pastor or the person sitting in the pew beside them; the way the organization is run or how hot or cold the sanctuary is. 

“The sermon’s too long.”   “They don’t sing the songs like they use to.”   “This church is filled with snobs.”

Makes you wonder if visitors to the church have the same response my wife and I had to the store clerk- “We don’t ever want to go back there again.” Unfortunately, churches don’t have the right to take people out behind the barn . . .

Christians, be warned! You are the ambassador of Jesus Christ. As a matter of fact, you might be the only representative of Jesus Christ that your unsaved friends ever see. So, what kind of a witness are you? What opinion about Jesus and Christianity do these friends gleam from you?

Philippians 2:14-15 “Do all things without complaining and disputing, that you may become blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world.”

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