Lessons I’ve Learned

image Wow! My book’s showing up everywhere! A MESSAGE TO DELIVER published June 3rd- One month ago. Here are some things I’ve learned since then. These aren’t mind shattering lessons. As a matter of fact, most of my author friends will read this and say, “Yuh? No Duh!”

How am I going to promote this book? What’s my marketing plan? In May, I went to the Blue Ridge Mountain Christian Writer’s Conference to hone my craft. In a marketing class the instructor shared these very helpful facts- What to do one year before you publish your book. . . What to do 8 months before you publish . . .5 months . . .3 months . . .     You get the picture. I raised my hand. “What do I do two weeks before publishing?”
Oh boy. My plan was to write a book, sell 5,000,000,000,000 copies, and buy an island off the coast of Maine. Not a good plan. Though I may be a little behind schedule, it’s never too late to plan, never too late to learn. Have a marketing plan, my friend.

Wow! I’ve run into several people who’ve actually read my book. They all have questions. How long did it take you to write this? Where did you come up with the idea? Can I borrow ten bucks? Hey. I know I’m far far far from famous. But to some people, I’m a step up in the book publishing biz. I have to have answers, and sound like I know what I’m talking about.

My wife and I went into a local pro-life organization to give them a free copy of my book, and to talk about an upcoming launch party where I’ll be distributing pro-life literature. A portion of my profits goes to these groups.

The woman in charge approached me. “Is there something I can do for you?”

I stood like a junior high kid, who’s struggling to ask the prettiest girl in the school on a date. “Gee, golly…I …er…”
Thankfully, my wife pushed me forward. “Yes. There is something he’d like to talk to you about,” she said.
Don’t get me wrong. I think my book is good. It’s getting good reviews. But its so . . .weird, promoting yourself. I guess my best advice for me and others- GET OVER IT! If you spent hours and hours creating something, take some pride in it.

Well, that’s it. Just sharing some of the many things I’ve learned. Again, thanks to those who’ve gone on Amazon and purchased A MESSAGE TO DELIVER. If you haven’t done so, I invite you to go for it! And please remember to review it on Amazon. That is sooooo important. Thanks again.

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