Category Archives: Uncategorized

Planet George

When participating in a writer’s Q&A at a writer’s seminar, one of the attenders asked this question. “How do you come up with names for planets when writing Sci-Fi?” Members of the panel answered in various ways. Some had answers … Continue reading

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Good Grief! It’s the Bible

It’s the greatest evil that has ever plagued our country. It’s voice must be silenced! Listening to it will bring chaos and death!  What is this voice, you may ask? I’ll tell you. Charlie Brown!  You heard me correctly. CHARLIE … Continue reading

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Separation of Church and State

“The First Amendment has erected a wall of separation between church and state, but that wall is a one directional wall; it keeps the government from running the church, but it makes sure that Christian principles will always stay in … Continue reading

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God and Veal Parm

Psalm 97:2 Clouds and thick darkness surround Him; Righteousness and justice are the foundation of His throne. Can you have veal parmigiana without the cheese? Impossible! It wouldn’t be veal parmigiana, would it? Some things need all the ingredients to … Continue reading

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My Declaration of Dependence

Looking back, here’s something I posted six years ago. I think it is worth sharing again. It’s the 4th of July. As I look at the state of our nation, I am concerned. We are divided, both sides claiming the … Continue reading

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Beating Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day can get so expensive. Flowers, candy, jewelry, dinner out! Where does it end? But this year, I thought I’d figured the perfect solution. I was working on it in my study when my wife walked in. “What are … Continue reading

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Interruptions- The Truth About Them

You wouldn’t know it by the attitude I exude, but I like order. The first question I ask my wife in the morning is- “WHAT’S FOR SUPPER?” I can’t help it. I need to plan my day accordingly. I don’t … Continue reading

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Things I Hate! Really! I’m Not Making This Up!

Lots of hate flying around today. Dems and Reps calling each other nasty names. People refusing to go to the inauguration. It all seems a little crazy to me. I have to admit, during the election cycle, I got swept up in … Continue reading

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Turning the World Upside Down

Many people are weeping over this presidential election. “O woe is me! Our world is doomed!” Okay, so maybe I’ve moaned a tad, myself. But, you gotta understand, my candidate is a very flawed human being? Will you say that? … Continue reading

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It’s All About the Potpourri

      The other day while I was in a local coffee shop, my friend Henry came running up to me, all excited. “I figured it out!” “What?” I asked. He slid into the seat across from me, sipping … Continue reading

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