Category Archives: Uncategorized

Which Heaven are You Going to?

Sad, sad news. My wife and I are going to different heavens. At least different areas of heaven. If heaven were a skyscraper, I’d be up in the penthouse (where I belong of course) and she’d be . . . … Continue reading

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The Churchyard Shuffle

Pentecostal, Methodist, Congregationalist. . . It doesn’t matter what church you go to, you’ve dealt with the Church Yard Shuffle. It’s a particular dance that transcends all denominational lines and even reaches deep into independent churches. This is how it … Continue reading

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Strength from the Mountain

Every once in a while I find a verse that pops out and says WOW to me. The other day a verse did just that. I hope it speaks to you, too. Psalm 125:2 “As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so … Continue reading

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  Happy one year anniversary for the publication of my book, A Message to Deliver. There’s just a couple of days left to get your name in the drawing for a free copy. Five copies will be given away. Simply … Continue reading

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Divided We Fall

Remember those cafeteria dinner plates? They were divided into sections– the bigger one for the main entree, the smaller ones for your dessert, veggies and potatoes. With that said, I have to make a confession. I am prejudice. Wow! Wash … Continue reading

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Fun With Snow

I surrender! I give in to the great white fluff, pressing on my brain. Last night, as I gazed from my window at the snowy white landscape, which looked more like an image of the moon than my front yard, … Continue reading

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Jonathan Edwards Set the Bar High

Each New Years, people make resolutions. Check these out. Resolutions of Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758), from the Works of Jonathan Edwards, Vol. 1 Being sensible that I am unable to do anything without God’s help, I do humble entreat Him, by … Continue reading

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What? You say you’re a Christmas expert? You actually know valuable information like when tinsel was invented? Then test that knowledge by answering the following questions. After you’re done, check your answers down below. See how many you got right. … Continue reading

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How to Become a World Famous Author- NOT. Two

Friends, this is part two. Please read, “How to Become a World Famous Author, NOT”, before proceeding or this will make no sense at all. Not that it makes much sense anyways. Maddy was a beautiful woman. Ringlets of blond … Continue reading

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How to Become a World Famous Author- NOT!

How to Become a World Famous Author has been the subject of my recent posts. But today’s topic is . . . . How NOT to Become a World Famous Author.   Good Example- my friend Moe, from Maine.    His … Continue reading

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