Category Archives: Bible Tidbits

These postings are just what their title suggests- short little Bible Thoughts.

Tattoos and Heaven

So I overheard something at Barnes and Noble cafe that made me cringe. I couldn’t see who was speaking. She was on the other side of a partition. “I can’t go to heaven because I have tattoos.” Just to let you … Continue reading

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Strength from the Mountain

Every once in a while I find a verse that pops out and says WOW to me. The other day a verse did just that. I hope it speaks to you, too. Psalm 125:2 “As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so … Continue reading

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Lessons from Duct Tape

During my son’s time in the Marines, one of his subordinates approached him. “Sir, I can’t find my rifle.” An odd thing, indeed, for a marine to say. On top of that, this particular individual had a history of misplacing … Continue reading

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Fear versus Trust

Have you ever felt like your life’s tailspinning out of control? That you’re swirling down into a deep, dark hole, with no way out? That’s me the last few months. Between health issues, financial difficulties, job concerns, and other things. … Continue reading

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Solving the Thanksgiving Dilemma

The other day (November 2nd) my wife and I went to a Chinese restaurant. They were playing Christmas music. Shades of the movie, A Christmas Story! FA-RA-RA-RA-RA. At Staples an employee was complaining about the store staying open all day … Continue reading

Posted in Bible Tidbits | 8 Comments

Have it God’s Way!

Burger King went off the deep end. They came out with a gay pride whopper. The wrapper of the Pride whopper said- “We are all the same inside.” I kid you not. Watch the You-tube commercial, which shows the un-informed and brain … Continue reading

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Playing Hide and Seek with God

Can you play hide and seek with God? I mean, how could you hide from Him? One of the Big Bible “Omni’s” is God is Omniscient- All Knowing. Yet, in Genesis 3:9, God asked Adam and Eve, “Where are you?” Huh? … Continue reading

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It’s Easter! What Are You Doing?

“So what are you doing for Easter?” That’s the question the teller at the bank’s drive-up window asked me. I’ve noticed their asking more personal questions. I think it’s part of their, We’re your friendly neighborhood bank campaign. It’s annoying. … Continue reading

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Death and Bigfoot

“Sweetheart, you have to stop saying that to the children. They don’t know you’re kidding.” Once again, my wife and I were having a disagreement. I don’t understand it. I make a very rational request of my kids and she … Continue reading

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Alberto the Great!

“Old people should be seen and not heard. In some cases they shouldn’t even be seen.” I think not! Yet sadly, even in some Christian churches, the elderly are dismissed as being irrelevant. Can I tell you a story? Years … Continue reading

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