An Interview with Clarice James

CJ_TrustMugOn November 1st, I’ll be taking part in a Meet & Greet Local Christian Authors event, being held at Bonhoeffer’s Café & Espresso, 8 Franklin Street, Nashua, NH. This would not be possible without the tireless work of a good friend of mine- Clarice James. I met Clarice at a Writer’s Critique Group that she was running.

Though working behind the scenes, I thought we could shine a little spotlight on her through this interview. 

Jeremiah: Tell us a little about yourself.

Clarice: I’m a Christian, wife, mother, and grandmother. I’m also a writer, editor, and  encourager. Here’s a snapshot of me, quirks and all-

1. I love clever words and pretty colors.

2. When the soundtrack of a TV program gets scary, I cover my ears and close my eyes,  then make an excuse to leave the room. Obviously, I don’t write suspense.

3. I’d rather be home with my husband than anywhere else.

4. Unlike the psalmist in Psalm 45, “My tongue is [NOT] the pen of a skillful writer.” My  mouth is too busy talking to wait for my brain to pick out the right word. After all, I’ve  got a sentence to compl-inish.

5. I’ve always struggled with losing weight and keeping it off, maybe because I think the  best part of going to a gym is leaving.

6. Unless you can show me where God said it in the Bible, don’t try to convince me of what you think.

7. When I play Scrabble with my husband, we don’t keep score; we’re just happy we can  both splel.

8. Having guests over is my motivation and reward for housecleaning.

9. I love time alone with my grandchildren so we can play make-believe without their  grown-up parents butting in.

10. I wish all the wacky Christians would stay away from those I’m praying for. You’re not  helping.

Jeremiah: What do you write?

Clarice: I write contemporary women’s fiction. My agent, Joyce Hart of Hartline Literary  Agency, is currently shopping two of my manuscripts.

Party of One: “Risking her privacy, widow Annie McGee founds Party of One, a communal  table for single diners, where she meets an electric mix of colorful characters who cause her to  confront her fears, question her beliefs, and doubt her self-assurance.”  Party of One was chosen  one of five finalists in the 2011 Christian Writers Guild Operation First Novel Contest.

Double Header: “Casey Gallagher, a rising Boston sports columnist, fears losing the unblemished  memories of her father when she learns she has a brother no one knew existed. In her search to  identify this walking insult to his memory, she learns that God’s playbook is less about her well- ordered plans and more about His.”    I’m presently having fun writing my third novel.

Jeremiah: Tell us about the Meet and Greet Local Christian Authors event.  MnG

Clarice: First, it’s FREE! You’ll have a chance to meet eight Christian authors from the Northern  MA and Southern NH region. There’ll be refreshments, author signings, discount pricing, and  door prizes—including a Kindle Paperwhite! It’s Saturday, November 1, 2014, 3:00 to 5:30 pm  at Bonhoeffer’s Café & Espresso, 8 Franklin Street, Nashua, NH. All adults and teens are  welcome!

Jeremiah: How did you come up with the Meet and Greet idea?

Clarice: Years back, I worked in both marketing and event planning and enjoyed it. Throw in my  love of writing and writers, and I have a fun thing to do while I wait to be published. (Actually, I  haven’t told the authors, but they’re my guinea pigs.)

Jeremiah: What do you hope to accomplish through this event?

Clarice: The theme is celebration. I hope the eight featured authors and all those who attend will,  together, take this time to celebrate all their God-given gifts and talents.

Jeremiah: How can people find out more about the Meet and Greet?

Clarice: Go to and enter “Meet & Greet Local Christian Authors” in  the SEARCH box. Scroll down to see the whole poster. If they prefer to speak with someone,  they can call me Clarice James 603-578-1860 or email me at

Jeremiah: What’s in the future for the Meet & Greet Local Christian Authors events?

Clarice: If this first Meet & Greet Local Christian Authors event goes well, we plan to hold  another one in the spring, 2015. All published authors interested in being featured can contact  Clarice James 603-578-1860 or Cindy Saab 978-821-65447 or email for more information.


If you’d like to meet Clarice, or any of the other people involved in this wonderful event, come on by on November 1st. IT’S FREE! A CHANCE TO WIN A KINDLE PAPERWHITE, and to support Christian authors. Well worth your time.

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