Chapter 1. The Origin of Spiritual Zombies – Part Two

!!! Spoiler Alert. This is a part of a series entitled Zombies!!!. If you’d like to see earlier blogs in the series, go to the categories tab (at the right of the page), and select Zombies!!!

“Sweetheart! What happened to you?” Professor Grimwell hollered, while wrestling with his formerly beautiful wife, trying to keep her from biting into him. Alas! She’d been Zombie-ized, and couldn’t hear his pleas. Her hollow, empty eyes looked down at him, her teeth, chomping like a pacman, tried to push passed his grasp, to his head. “What happened sweetheart? What happened?”

That is the question of the day, as we investigate Spiritual Zombies, what happened?

In part one of the Origin of Spiritual Zombies, we learned that people are a creation of God, made to have a relationship with Him, and to glorify Him. Made in His image. Do you know what? We had it pretty good. It was paradise. Literally! So what happened?

Because of limited space, I won’t include the whole Bible chapter on Man’s Fall. If you get a chance, read Genesis, chapter three for the full story. From that chapter, I’m going to pull out three important points, all related to the origin of Spiritual Zombies.

1. Sin Entered the Picture.

Man disobeyed God. That’s the very definition of sin- Disobedience to God.

Sin. We don’t like to use that word anymore. It invokes an image of some evangelist, pounding the pulpit and hollering out over the heads of the crowd. “SINNERS!!!” Yet, the truth is, the world is filled with sin; filled with people who disobey God. It had a beginning. There was a time when we first said, “I want to do it my way.”

The very notion of sin being an attack against God bothers some people. They define sin as hurting someone else; some other human. “Therefore,” they reason. “If what I do doesn’t hurt anyone, it’s okay.” While it is true that sin may cause someone else hurt or pain, that is not its definition.

What we’ve done is taken God out of the picture. We’ve acted as if He doesn’t matter. We have tried to redefine sin. In your daily life, have you ever asked yourself, “Is what I am doing in disobedience to God’s word?” That, my friend, is the question. It goes against the “I have a right” Zombies of the day. Instead of dwelling on “rights”, it puts God back in the picture. What is right in His sight?

Adam and Eve had rules, given by God. They disobeyed. They were guilty. Sin entered the picture.

-To be continued

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God’s Visual Aids

Every good teacher knows that a picture is worth a thousand words. Visual aids. Their importance cannot be overemphasized. I think history will record that everyone would rather be shown something than simply told about it.

Not too long ago, in the grand scheme of things, families would gather around the radio and listen to adventures! The Shadow, Superman, Richard Diamond, Boston Blackie. Then what happened? Television took over. Pictures lit up our living rooms. Radio lost it’s listening audience (at least for this type of product). Let’s face it, would you rather have Niagara Falls described to you, or see it for yourself, the tons of water cascading down over the rocks?

The same thing is true with the Christian faith. We can share millions of words about what a Christian is, but the world is looking for Visual Aids. They want to see Christ living in you, not simply hear. Are you being a good Visual Aid for God’s Gospel Message? Hopefully, you’re not trying to be a “Radio Christian”; telling a story, but with no picture to go behind it.

Matthew 5:16 “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.”

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Chapter 1. The Origin of Spiritual Zombies – Part One



!!! Spoiler Alert. This is a series. If you’d like to start at the beginning, please go to the category tab on the right side of the blog page. Choose Zombies!!! You’ll get a full list of already posted titles on the subject. !!!


Professor Grimwell was busily working in his lab, trying to perfect the formula for square oranges, when the door behind him squeaked open.

“Is that you, sweetheart?” he said, assuming it was his dear wife, coming to bring him some cookies and milk. When she didn’t answer, he turned to look. It was her all right. Yet something was wrong. She was different. Her face had a death-like pallor. Dark circles encased her sunken eyes. She walked slowly, dragging her feet, moaning.

The professor came to the sad realization that his wife had turned into a Zombie. “Harriet! What happened to you?”

That, my friends, is the question, and the subject of this chapter in our study. WHAT HAPPENED?  As we begin, it would be good to know where Spiritual Zombies came from?

Just as Professor Grimwell is never going to get answers from his wife (Except for an occasional moan), we will not get answers from Spiritual Zombies. For what we seek, we need to look to God’s word, to the book of Genesis, where we will discover the truth about humankind.


Genesis 11:27 “So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.”

Do you know what? Our culture has been so indoctrinated with the theory of evolution, if someone mentions Intelligent Design or Creation, they’re gawked at like they’re from the planet “Stupid”.

“That’s an uneducated person,” some will sneer.

But let me ask you a question. If you were in the middle of the desert and came across a computer, just sitting there, what conclusion would you draw? I’m sure there’s many (Where’s the electricity out here to run this thing? What idiot leaves a computer in the middle of the desert? Is this a mirage? Is this the bait to a Zombie trap?) But one inescapable conclusion, one fact, is this-

Someone Left That Computer There.

It didn’t simply spring up out of the sand. You could wait a billion years and it wouldn’t happen. Why? It’s a complicated piece of equipment. It shows a designer, simply by its existence.

Guess what? People are far more sophisticated and complicated than computers. How in the world do we believe we just popped up out of the dirt, even given millions and billions of years?

You may say, I am oversimplifying the issues. “The theory of evolution is something else.” Truth be known, it isn’t. For the evolutionist, the impassable problem of intelligent life springing from the primordial soup has been covered up by “billions and billions of years”.

It takes a lot of faith to believe in something you cannot prove. I’d rather put my faith in an intelligent designer. I’d rather put my faith in God.

Every once in awhile, there will be a news story about some scientific research that is coming closer to discovering where life began. Insane. All that money wasted. The answer is right in the Bible. We are a creation of God.

Why Did God Create Us?

We were made to “walk” with Him; To have a relationship with Him; To glorify Him. Our very lives were meant to find peace and joy in the presence of God.

He is where we came from and He is why we exist.

We had it pretty good, too! It was paradise. Look up Genesis 2:8-17. God took care of all of our needs.

So what happened? That’s what we’ll discuss next time.

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Introduction to Spiritual Zombies- The Zombies are Here!

Don’t you hate it? You’re sitting next to the lake with your girl (or guy), enjoying the moonlight, when from out of nowhere, you hear a terrible moaning. Suddenly, there’s a rustling in a nearby clump of pine trees. Pointing frantically, your girlfriend (or boyfriend) lets out a blood curdling scream (If it was your boyfriend who screamed like this, I’d be tempted to reevaluate the relationship). You look to see what’s causing such fear, and to your horror, coming out of the trees, dragging his half dead leg behind him, is a Zombie.

Boy oh boy, I can’t tell you the number of times this has happened to me.

What are Zombies?

You might answer, “the undead.” They are former people, who for some reason, whether nuclear attack, bad drugs, epidemic, or a bite by a radioactive aardvark now live in a state of the un-living. Mangled and rotting . . . yet still walking. Part alive, part dead.

Wait! Wait! Before you label me as a total whacko, may I state for the record, I Don’t Believe in Zombies. . . at least not the kind just described. But, you have to admit, we are in the midst of Zombie mania. Everywhere I turn I see them; Movies, games, books, television shows. Yet I contend that in this world there are Spiritual Zombies; those who appear alive on the outside, yet are dead on the inside.

Jesus Warned Us About Zombies. 

It’s true! In Matthew 23, He confronted the religious leaders of His day.

As you read the following passage, picture the Zombies standing there, listening to Jesus’ words. Do you think they’d be angry with what He was saying? You bet they’d be angry. They were the religious leaders; the high mucky-mucks. Look at what He said, how He described them?

Matthew 23:25-28 “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you cleanse the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of extortion and self-indulgence. Blind Pharisee, first cleanse the inside of the cup and dish, that the outside of them may be clean also. “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs which indeed appear beautiful outwardly, but inside are full of dead men’s bones and all uncleanness. Even so you also outwardly appear righteous to men, but inside you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness.

What did I tell you? Spiritual Zombies.

If I were to ask you to make a list entitled “Qualities of Zombies”, what would it include? I did this at a youth retreat. The list read something like this- Dead, Walking dead, The undead, A being that can walk and talk (at least grunt), but is really dead.

Do you get the picture? Zombies are dead!

Compare this list to the words of Jesus, in the above scripture. He was talking about people who looked good on the outside. They walked, they talked, they looked alive. Yet on the inside they were full of dead men’s bones and all uncleanness.

That’s what I call Spiritual Zombies!

And guess what? I think we live in a world filled with these beings; people who have physical life, but on the inside there’s something missing.

Over the next few weeks, I’m going to post some blogs on these “dead men walking”. I hope you’ll stick with me. Who knows what we may learn?

Some of my future titles to look forward to are- The Origin of Spiritual Zombies, The Field Guide to Knowing your Zombie, Dealing With the Inner Zombie, Protect Your Brain!, Zombies- The Cure.

If you have any ideas for other chapter titles, please feel free to leave a comment or suggestion.

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Why Marriage Equality (Same- Sex Marriage) Is A Huge Issue

I have started and restarted several posts on the redefinition of marriage. Before posting one of them, I read a blog by Andy Jerome. He’s the pastor of the Parsons Primitive Methodist Church in PA. It’s a great take on the issue and I’d like to share this blog with you. Please consider his words.


Why Marriage Equality (Same- Sex Marriage) Is A Huge Issue

The United States Supreme Court is in the process of deciding two cases that could literally change the moral fabric of our society. Last week the court heard arguments asking it to declare proposition 8, a California ballot item establishing marriage as a union between a man and a woman, and the defense of marriage act (DOMA) signed into law by President Clinton doing the very same thing on a Federal level, unconstitutional. If the court would rule on either case it would most likely open the door for same sex marriage to become the norm in our society. Some might ask the question, so what is wrong with that? After all, we live in a very diverse society and shouldn’t everyone enjoy the same rights?  I’d like to address that question and a few others from a Biblical perspective because I unashamedly believe the Word of God is the source and standard of all truth.

For a true Christian this issue is rather quite simple. The Bible is very clear on several key things surrounding this issue. 1) God loves all people and so should we. Just because someone might disagree does not necessarily make them a hater. Every person should be affirmed as a human being but sinful lifestyles can never be accepted as being ok in the sight of God.  2) The Bible (both the old and new testaments) refers to homosexuality as a sin (Lev. 18:22, 20:13, Romans 1:26-27, 1 Corinthians 6:9-11) just to name a few. The argument that because Jesus never specifically spoke against homosexuality so we really can’t say how God feels is not a valid argument. God inspires all scripture so no section of scripture has any more authority than others.  3) Some of the harshest language is used when referring to the sin of homosexuality- words such as abomination, detestable, perversion, and unnatural. 4) All sins are not equal- the Bible states that sexual sins are in a different class than other sins- (1 Corinthians 6:18-20.) 5) Believers are called to be salt and light in the world. We are called to preserve the truth of God’s word and illuminate the darkness of sin in this world.   The Bible makes it very clear how God feels about sin, including and especially the sin of homosexuality.

For those who do not believe in God or accept the Bible then this issue is not as clear-cut since unbelievers do not look to the Bible for the definition of right and wrong or use it as a moral compass. I can certainly understand why a non-believer would look at the issue of same-sex marriage as a rights issue.

With that said, I would never deny anyone’s right to believe whatever they want to believe as long as everyone understand that not everyone is looking at this issue through the same lens.

So why should believers be concerned about what our supreme court does? First, since the whole concept of marriage originated with God (Genesis 2:23-24) it is God’s definition that believers are called to uphold.  Secondly, history tells us that the sin of homosexuality has led to the downfall of other great empires, specifically the Roman and Grecian Empires.  Thirdly and most compelling is the fact that the Bible pronounces a judgment upon those who give approval to sinful behavior- (Romans 1:32).

To sum it up, while many are trying to frame this issue as an equality issue, or a generational issue, or a diversity issue, or a rights issue, the truth is- it is a moral issue.  God, not man, is the author of morality. Since this is a moral issue we really have to ask ourselves, is this an issue we really want our supreme court to act upon? If you say you believe in God and accept the Bible then the only acceptable answer is no! If you say you’re a believer then you simply can’t go around saying,  “I believe in God and His Word but…”  When it comes to this issue, it is very clear how God feels.

So how should a believer respond? First we should affirm everyone as a human being loved by God. But we cannot under any circumstances condone sinful behavior or worse yet endorse laws that would contradict God’s Word. As a believer I would personally like to call upon the church to be in prayer for our Supreme Court justices.  Pray that the Holy Spirit would bring conviction upon them and when it comes time to render a decision, that they would uphold the constitutionality of both Proposition 8 and the Defense of Marriage Act. This is a huge issue that could impact our nation for decades to come.


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Lord, is it I?

Do you know what part of the “Holy Week” story amazes me? It’s the words found in Matthew 26:22. Jesus and His followers are meeting for the Passover meal. This is where Jesus institutes communion. He’s just shared the fact that one of them will betray Him.

Their response- “Lord, is it I?”


On the one hand, it’s wonderful that they had such respect for God’s power that they were sure He knew what He was talking about. He knew the future. He knew which of them would be the betrayer.

On the other hand, to doubt one’s faith, one’s strength and commitment so much that these words would be uttered, is frightening. “Lord, is it I?”

With smug satisfaction, we can look back with hindsight and say, “We know better. We’d never betray Jesus.” Yet, these fellows walked with Him (literally) for three years. They were there when the sermon on the mount was given. They had first hand knowledge of all His miracles. Yet, when the rubber meets the road. . . “Lord, is it I?”

In your daily life, you will face conflict for the cause of Jesus Christ. That’s a given. Do you have the assurance that when the test comes, you will stand strong for the Lord, or is their nagging doubt at the back of your brain- “Will I betray the faith, Will I fall?”

“Lord,is it I?”

Frankly, I think we all have a tiny nagging doubt. If we didn’t, we’d be bordering on arrogance. Bordering? No, I’m wrong. We’d be way over the line.

I don’t mean to be a downer; don’t mean to cast a shadow on any Easter celebration, but God put that verse there for a reason. He wanted us to know that the disciples were ordinary men, not super saints. They had weaknesses. With all they knew, with all they’d seen, they had weaknesses. The truth is, in the end they all deserted Him. Yet He still forgave!

Some may argue, “But these were the pre-resurrection disciples. Things changed.” You may have a valid point there. But still, I am willing to admit that I am only human. I get tested and sometimes I fail.

So what do we do?

–God’s word says, “The Joy of the Lord is our Strength!” Stay close to Him, stay in His joy, stay in His strength. Know that even in our weakness, He is there, and He is strong.

–God forgives! This is a wonderful lesson learned. The disciples failed. Jesus forgave.

Lord, when I am called to face the challenges that my Christian faith will bring me, may I stay strong in you. If I falter, I am thankful for your forgiveness. If I succeed, to God be the Glory!  Amen.

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The Farmer Had it Right!

At our local mall, I recently saw the Easter bunny, sitting on his Easter bunny throne, holding royal court over all the little children. Frankly, I think it must be really traumatic for a kid to approach a stranger, especially one dressed up as a giant rabbit, and be forced to hug him or sit on his lap. Imagine the fright in their eyes as their parents push them towards the huge eared, bucktoothed specimen. “It’s okay, sweetheart. It’s only the Easter Bunny.”

It makes me want to yell out, “Watch it kid! He’s gonna eat you.”

Anyways, I noticed that the mall’s bunny display was about Peter Rabbit. So was this the Easter bunny or Peter Rabbit? Did I have the story wrong? Had Peter Rabbit graduated or magically transformed into the Easter Bunny? I didn’t stay long enough to find out, nor was I really concerned. I could have had some fun, though. . . gone and sat on the bunny’s lap and crushed him (or her) under the tremendous weight of the Easter Barbarian (a title I just gave myself).

Walking away, I wondered about the story of Peter Rabbit. Suddenly, a light went off in my head. We’ve been supporting the wrong person. Peter was terrible. Farmer McGregor (or whatever his name was) was the victim in this story! Think about it. The poor guy was trying to raise some food in his garden. Trying to feed his family. Maybe there was a food shortage in the village and he wanted to help out the needy. But what happened? A rabbit, a varmint, ravages his garden. Now that I think about it, Peter and his motley crew should have been skinned; their fur used to make some nice warm winter hats.

Hey wait a minute. My whole childhood, I have been brainwashed to root for the wrong guy. Tom and Jerry! The cat was simply trying to protect his house from a rat.

Mickey Mouse! We’ve basically made him king of Florida, yet he’s a mouse. Attention! To any women reading this…what would you do if you saw a mouse running across your kitchen floor? Yet he’s the leader of the club that’s made for you and me! No!!

For us older kids; Pixie and Dixie? Two mice who tormented the house cat!

Mighty Mouse! He was the aggressor, fighting against common house cats who were trying to keep their families safe from the disease and destruction that rodents can bring; a super powered mouse, at that. How frightening.

As I delve deeper into my subconscious, I must ask the question- Is my hatred of felines (Nay! My fear of them) rooted in Saturday mornings, plastered to the TV, cheering for these small rodents over the helpless kittens who were subjected to a variety of sadistic acts, including but not limited to, being smashed with cartoon hammers, pushed off cliffs, having their tails burnt off?

Have I been brainwashed to cheer for the carriers of the Black Plague!!!

Farmer McGregor! Sylvester! Tom (or Jerry…whichever one is the cat. I never really knew), I apologize for not understanding the truth. I was caught up in the excitement of the moment. Sold a pack of lies by clever animators and cartoonists. I believed the history written by the winners, instead of looking for the truth.

Yes my friends, I tell you, we’ve been cheering for the wrong side! The Farmer had it right.

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What Super Power Would You Like to Have?

What super power would you like to have?

Seriously. If there were a store that sold powers, what would you get? By the way, would the store be called a “Supermarket”?? HaHaHa.

What do you think? Invisibility? The power to fly? Maybe to eat Mexican food without getting heartburn?

I’ve decided on the wonderful power of REWIND!!!!! When you say the word, imagine it booming and echoing through the air. REWIND!!!!! Yes! I’d like the power to do what the rewind button does on a DVD player- back up life. Admit it! It would be incredible.

In order to see how amazing it would be, let’s play out the following scenario-

You are walking down the street. You see a small child, tumbling out of a tree. He ends up lying in a heap on the ground, whimpering over a broken leg. His mother runs up, sobbing hysterically. “Junior! Oh, no! What can we do?”

Now imagine you have the superpower of REWIND!!!!!  (The exclamation marks are a part of the superpower, by the way). You go back 43.8 seconds in time, race to the base of the tree. Junior topples. His mother cries out, “Oh no! My baby!”

But wait! Because you went back 43.8 seconds, you are there. As he topples, you catch him! He’s saved!

The mother comes running up to you. “Thank you, thank you. You saved my boy!”

“It was all in a day’s work ma’am.” You smile and the sunlight sparkles off your teeth, just like in a Disney movie.

Let’s get back to reality.

The real reason I’d like the gift of REWIND!!!!!  is because of all the stupid things I’ve done in my days; the types of things that cause a person to lie awake at night, slap themselves on the forehead, and say, “Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!” Wouldn’t it be great if you could use REWIND!!!!!, go back and undo all those embarrassing things done, all the hurtful words spoken?

Unfortunately, we don’t have a built in button to allow us to do this. Personal remorse and guilt can be killers. There are those who go through life carrying the heavy weight of past sins, feeling its effect. Satan can use them to bring you down, to make you doubt yourself, and to break you.

Thankfully, even though we don’t have REWIND!!!!!, we do have a God who forgives. 1 John 1:9 says, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” No matter what I do, through Jesus Christ, God offers forgiveness. He loves me that much. Don’t get me wrong, this is not an excuse to sin, “God has to forgive me, therefore I can do what I want”. No. But what it shows me is God’s love for a flawed human being like myself.

We also have a God who forgets our sins. He doesn’t hold them over our heads, like a sharp sword, cutting into us with constant reminders of past sins. Psalm 103:12 says, “As far as the east is from the west, So far has He removed our transgressions from us.” When you come to Jesus Christ, He says, “ I forgive you. The slate is wiped clean. You are my child.”

Though I cannot undo the evils I have done, I am so thankful that my salvation, my happiness, don’t rely on a superpower of my own, but on a SUPER SAVIOR.

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We Have a Right!!

When did it happen? That’s my question.

I try to keep my blog light; talk about me doing silly stuff, like plotting to kill someone while eating at a restaurant, or wearing spandex and running around hurdles, but there’s something that’s been heavy on my mind. Some may read a couple of lines and roll your eyes and shut me off. I ask that you reconsider and read on.

—When did it happen? When did RIGHTS take precedence over RESPONSIBILITY?

In the last forty years, 54 million babies have been killed in the name of rights. Babies with beating hearts, babies with arms and legs, sucking on thumbs. Yet we are told that a woman’s right to reproductive care takes precedence over a child’s right to live.

When does the woman’s and man’s responsible for their actions kick in? During the election, a woman actually appeared before the United States government, declaring that our taxes should pay for her birth control. Young people feel they have the right to unlimited sexual activity with no regard for love, marriage, or children. Somethings wrong. When id it happen?

—When did it happen? When did the government take over the place of God in making moral and ethical decisions? That is exactly what has happened. A government that blindly declares Separation of Church and State has become the measuring stick of all things moral; they have become the church.

They declare something is legal, therefore it is all right to do.

Recently there was a terrible massacre in Connecticut. The nation was up in arms, fed by a media on a feeding frenzy, doling out truths, half-truths, and everything in between just to gain their market share.

54 million babies killed. But that’s okay. The government says so. Not a peep from the media.

Jeremiah 1:5 “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations.”

God says He knew the prophet Jeremiah while he was still in his mother’s womb. He knew a person, not a lump of matter. Not a product of conception.

—When did it happen? When did people become so gullible to the master illusionist, Satan? He has somehow turned an entire nation away from God?

Did you know I used to dabble in illusions? Card tricks, making coins disappear; stuff like that. The secret to a great magician or illusionists is misdirection. He gets you looking at his left hand, while the slight of hand is going on in his right hand. And you are amazed. None the wiser.

Americans are so mesmerized with Rights, we’ve looked away from God- What He says, how He tells us to live, what is right and what is wrong.  And Satan laughs at a people who are so blinded they don’t even know he exists.


I’ve looked up a couple of facts concerning abortion for you to consider.

  • Coat hangers are a myth. They always pull out this old chestnut, don’t they. “What? Do you want to go back to the day of coat hangers and back alleys???” The fact is that 90% of abortions done, prior to legalization, were done by doctors. This myth is used, like slight of hand, to misdirect you from seeing the truth.
  • “What about all those poor woman who are raped? Do you want to make them raise that unwanted child and live with that memory???” The truth be known, baby or not, they will live with that terrible memory. But the more important truth is, only 1% of abortions are done because of a rape. 99% are done, mostly because the baby is an inconvenience.
  • “It’s the woman’s body! She has the right to choose.” Actually, I’ve never seen a human being with four arms, four legs, and two heart beats. Mom and child have different blood types. Mom and child are not the same. God has given women a wonderful privilege- the ability to grow a baby inside her.
  • Aborted babies can feel pain. We worry about an eagle’s egg…a beached whale… an abandoned puppy. Why in the world don’t we defend the most helpless amongst us?

If you’ve read this far, and you are pro-abortion, right now, Satan, the great illusionist is yelling in your ear to ignore me as a crackpot, an old fashioned relic, someone who doesn’t know what he’s talking about. All I ask is that you consider…Maybe you are wrong. Maybe they are babies… Maybe if they had a voice, they’d shout out at the top of their lungs- “We have a right to live!”

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New Year’s Resolutions. Bah! Humbug!

Every year I make the same New Year’s resolutions, and then within weeks, I break them. It’s depressing. Resolutions like- I will lose 100 pounds this year. I will write the great American novel. I will run a marathon. At the beginning of the year, it’s all “Full steam ahead!”. I’m ready! By the end of the year, I’m filled with excuses why things didn’t work out the way I planned. Hah!

Let’s face it, the snow and the dark days of winter, make me depressed enough. I don’t need the guilt of broken promises to add to my gloom.

So with the help of my wonderful wife, Jodie, my daughter, Jessica, my son, Jacob, and my son-in-law, Craig, I came up with a list of easy resolutions that I can keep. Feel free to join me in pledging to do the following-

  • I will walk at least 25 feet each week.
  • I will drink a glass of water every day.
  • I will not kill anyone this year. (My son came up with this one. Please don’t report us to the police. I have a feeling he wasn’t planning on killing anyone anyways.)
  • I will kiss my wife at least once a week. (My son-in-law said this would be a hard one to keep. Don’t tell my daughter or he’ll be in hot water.)
  • My Christmas tree will be taken down and put out for recycling before next Christmas.
  • Seven out of ten times that I go into the refrigerator, I will close the door when I am done.
  • I will remember to flush the toilet.
  • Once a day, I will smile.
  • When driving my car, I will sit behind the steering wheel.

If you find my list too easy, or too silly, here’s a final resolution you may want to join me in keeping. It’s found in Joshua 24:15 “And if it seems evil to you to serve the LORD, choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.”

  • I resolve that, each day, I will endeavor to serve the Lord.

You may say, “You can’t possibly follow that. You’ll mess up as sure as you messed up with running the marathon.”

No, I won’t. You see, I’m not promising to be perfect. I’m saying, “I will endeavor…” Each day, I will do my best, with God as my helper, to accomplish the goal. But I will keep two facts in front of me- 1. Sometimes I will fail.  and    2. God is gracious and forgiving.

Let me put my resolution into practical terms.

  • In the morning, I will dedicate the day to the Lord.
  • Throughout the day I will seek His guidance.
  • If I fall I will seek His forgiveness.
  • If success comes my way, I will give Him the glory!

Now that’s a resolution worth keeping.




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