Alberto the Great!

11376235-magic-hat-with-rabbit-ears“Old people should be seen and not heard. In some cases they shouldn’t even be seen.”

I think not!

Yet sadly, even in some Christian churches, the elderly are dismissed as being irrelevant.

Can I tell you a story? Years ago, I worked as a maintenance man in a local nursing home, which was pretty amazing, considering I have trouble telling a screwdriver from a hammer. But, that’s a story for another time.

Right now, we’re going to talk about Albert, an inmate at the home. (FYE, I called the residents, inmates). He was barely five feet tall and had thinning white hair, combed straight back. He wore his pants hiked way up, a tucked-in white dress shirt, and a pair of sunglasses, three sizes too big for his face.

The particular day in question, the Activities Director had gathered several of the inmates into the sunroom, and was boring them with stories. I think that was the only activity she knew- Boring People. Half way through her talk, Albert stood and walked across the room.

“Albert. What are you doing?” the Activities Director shrilled.

He ignored her and sat down at a piano.

“Get back to your assigned seat!”

His hands began gliding over the keys. Before you knew it, ragtime music filled the room. The other inmates clapped and swayed to the beat.

“Albert, stop that.” She rushed over and closed the piano. “Honestly. Where do you think you are? Do you think everyone wants to hear you play?”

Yes, I thought.

Obediently, Albert went back to his assigned seat and the ho-hum activity continued.

Later on, I was making my rounds; getting change from the coke machine and trading it to the men inmates for dollar bills. Don’t ask me why, but the men liked change. I saw Albert. “That was great,” I said. “Where’d you learn to play the piano like that?”

He answered in a quiet, unassuming voice. “I used to be in Vaudeville.”

“No kidding? Were you a piano player?”

He laughed and shook his head. “If you wanted to break into show business, the more you could do, the better your chances. I was a magician.”

He had my attention. I love magic.

He stood a little taller and announced, “Alberto, the Great. That’s what I called myself.”

“Can you do any tricks for me?”

Albert got some string from the nurses station. His small hands, though slowed with age, looped and twirled the twine, mystifying me and the others who had gathered. Someone produced a deck of cards. Albert made chosen cards appear seemingly out of nowhere.

It was wonderful. For those few minutes, that small, elderly man was transformed into Alberto the Great.

Then, much to my joy, he taught me a couple of tricks!

When we were heading back to his room, I asked, “Did you know anybody famous?”

“I met Houdini, once.”

“No kidding?”

“I was a big fan.” Albert stroked his chin. “He did this one trick where he’d put a string and then some needles in his mouth. When he pulled the string out, the needles were all attached.” Albert shook his head. “I tried it. All I managed to do was cut up the inside of my mouth.”

We laughed.

“When I met Houdini, I told him my problem,” Albert continued. “He looked at me and hollered, ‘You @#^$#@! I got the threaded needles already stashed away in my cheek. The ones I put in there are candy. They melt away.’”

Again, we laughed.

For the rest of my tenure at the nursing home, I took pleasure in visiting with Albert. He’d brighten my day, and I hope I brightened his. A number of years have gone by since then, and I’m sure he’s gone, but I’ll always remember that old guy.

I realize there comes a time in our lives when we need to be cared for. It seems a bit tragic, though. Many are locked away and forgotten.

As I said, even the church tends to throw out the old and bring in the new, not realizing the value of maturity and experience. People who have faithfully served the Lord for years are forgotten, because they don’t fit someone’s qualifications of a good church member; not enough disposable income, not 2.3 kids, wrong age . . . stuff like that.

But what does the Lord say about the elderly?

Proverbs 16: 31 “Gray hair is a mark of distinction, the award for a God-loyal life.”

Leviticus 19:32 “Show respect to the aged; honor the presence of an elder; fear your God. I am God.”

How about you? Do you value those who’ve slowed down a step, maybe can’t do all they used to do? Have you assumed they have no purpose?

Be careful, in overlooking the gray haired, you may be missing out on someone like Albert. Someone . . . Great!



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Standing Against the Flow

swirling-water-230x153The world is a raging river. I’ve recently come to realize this, while I was channel surfing, lamenting on the lack of good programing out there. I’m not talking about the quality of the acting. I’m talking about the message the programs give; the undercurrent of ungodliness, and the anti-Christian bias that is prevalent.

Have you noticed this? It’s not simply on TV.  It’s in the way people are thinking. The sad thing is, the court of public opinion has changed. What was once considered wrong (even evil) is now considered right.

What’s even worse, many “Christians” go along with this way of thinking.

It baffles me. When did we turn our backs on God?

That’s when the river hit me. Have you ever seen a raging river? I used to try and swim in one, up in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. It sweeps everything along in its path. Trees, houses, bushes. Even people. It is relentless in its pursuit to flow. It grabs, presses, pushes, uproots everything in its way, pulling it all along, until finally all opposition is gone. Everything is going the same direction.

To me, that’s what the world is. Its music, news, television, movies. The river of the world, pushing along with its beliefs, uprooting whatever gets in its way, until finally it has changed the course of public opinion.

As long as you flow with the river of the world, there’s no struggle. No opposition.

There’s one problem, though. Most things that continue to flow in a raging river, eventually go under.

Enter Jesus. He is a Rock, jutting out of the river. 

The current constantly batters and crashes against Him, saying, “You must change! You must conform to our way of thinking!”, but it has no effect on Him. With His feet, firmly planted, He stands against the flow of the world; not yielding to its pull.

I truly believe the river of the world hates Him for this. He is flowing contrary to them. And frankly, being God, the creator of all, He is right and the world is wrong.

How about us? Where do we come in?

Are you lost? Do you feel the river pulling against you? Do you wonder what’s right and wrong, but don’t know what to believe? Are you feeling overwhelmed by the flow of the world, perhaps even ready to go under?

Jesus has good news. He tells us to build our life on Him. Luke 6:48 “He (the Christian)  is like a man building a house, who dug deep and laid the foundation on the rock. And when the flood arose, the stream beat vehemently against that house, and could not shake it, for it was founded on the rock.”

So that’s where I stand. The river of the world is flowing in the wrong direction. Its pull is strong. I have to be firmly planted on the Rock in order to survive. Remember! We are not the Rock. Jesus is. But I truly believe, the more people firmly planted in Him, the more opposition to the flow of the world! Plant your feet in the Lord!

Psalm 62:6- He only is my rock and my salvation; He is my defense; I shall not be moved.





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Dealing with a Limburger Cheese Attitude

imagesDid you hear the story about the kids who played a trick on their granddad? While he was sleeping, they smeared a little Limburger cheese on his mustache. When he woke, his face soured as he sniffed at the air. Something was wrong.

He hurried into the dining room and sniffed. Then he winced.

He raced to the kitchen. Once again, he tested the air. “Blech!”

His wife saw the look of distain on his face. “What’s wrong.”

The poor man shook his head, sadly. “The world stinks!”

Quite a few people (even Christians) are like this. They view the world through the window of pessimism. You may say, We have a right to be that way. Look at all that’s going on in our miserable world.

I’ll admit, I recently confessed to my church that I struggle with Limburger Cheese Syndrome. You know what they say–Some see the glass as half full. Some see it as half empty. I tend to see a hole in the glass. Not only that, the water inside is bug infested. Not too good.

Hey, maybe the average person can cry out, “The world stinks!”, then give in to a pessimistic personality. But should a Christian?

There’s a Bible verse everyone has probably heard, but do we listen to it? Psalm 118:24– “This is the day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it.”

This alone should be enough to lift us from the depths of  the world smells like Limburger cheese attitude.

What does it tell us?

1. The Day is a Creation of God! Who else can say they’ve made the day? No one. In every way, it is His creation. From the rotating earth, to the sunlit sky (or the rain cloud filled sky) All was formed by Him. This specific day. Right now. The people you meet. The opportunities He’ll give you. The lessons you’ll learn. All from Him.

You know the old song, He’s got the whole world in His Hands. . . Do you believe it?

2. We are Given a Purpose. “We will rejoice and be glad in it.” The world does not see Jesus, descending from the clouds. He doesn’t appear to them, miraculously, in their living rooms. The world, primarily sees Jesus in His people; in Christians. They see Jesus in the way His people react to situations, trials and troubles. How do they see Jesus in you?

Let me tell you- God is dealing with me. Sometimes my attitude is not too good. This is usually a result of me focusing on the Limburger cheese that’s smeared under my nose, and not on the God who loves me, and is in control.

It’s time to wipe the cheese off, and smell the sweet love of God everywhere. Truly, This is the Day He has made! Rejoice!



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Bumper Stickers, Abortion, and God

Should I do it? Should I put the bumper sticker on my car? That’s the question.

Let me start at the beginning. A few years back, I picked up several copies of this bumper sticker.

Our Opinion Should not be above God’s. Abortion is Murder.

Over the years, that sticker disappeared, along with the minivan it was attached to. For the most part, I’d forgotten all about it, even though it was the beginning of many a controversial conversation.

Recently, as I was unpacking some boxes which had been gathering attic dust for many years, I came across two or three copies of this bumper sticker. I gazed at these pieces of my past, wondering. . . Should I put a copy of this bumper sticker on my car?

I want you to know, this isn’t a decision I make lightly, and I would appreciate your opinion. You may say, “This is a no brainer.”, but hear me out.


I know some would say, “NO. That word “Murder” is so offensive. How can you call a young teen a murderer; classifying her with the likes of a serial killer or Jack the Ripper, simply because she had a medical procedure done?”

It seems I’d be turning people off. I understand that. Are murder and killing two separate things? I guess I’ve mellowed over the years.

Besides, many people who have abortions are simply misinformed about the facts. They believe, if the government says it’s okay, then it must be okay. Silly people, thinking a government that’s amoral can take a moral stand.

That sticker could offend someone. My pro-life stand, and my Christian witness, might be clouded by that one word – Murder.

Then there’s the other side; those who say, “YES! Put the sticker on. If you don’t you’ll be compromising; bending to the will of the masses.”

Frankly, that one phrase in the sticker stands out to me– Our Opinion shouldn’t be above that of God’s.

That’s something we’ve forgotten. People don’t know anymore what God’s opinion is. They get their spiritual opinions from Oprah and the media; the Sunday morning talking heads on fake news shows.

I struggled. Would it be compromise if I didn’t put the sticker on?

A couple of things nudged me in a particular direction.

1– A Christian Friend’s Testimony. I’m in the process of having a book published. Hopefully next fall each of you will buy one hundred copies of it and help make me a famous author. One of the issues the book deals with is abortion. I had a Christian friend read it (to give me her opinion of my writing). When she was done, she shocked me when she told me that she’d had an abortion, just like the woman in the story. Her advice to me was– “You need to show more of the Post Traumatic Stress that’s associated with abortion.” That was her experience.

For those who are of the mindset, A Woman’s Right to Choose, you may not like to hear this. But it’s a fact. No one had told my friend of the consequences of the abortion. She’d been informed, it was the painless, guiltless procedure. That was not her experience, though. Nor is it the experience of many who have abortions. There’s guilt. There’s pain. There’s complications.

2– The Professional Critique. I sent my book to a Christian Professional for a critique. When it was complete, and I found myself sitting across the table from her, she looked me in the eye and said, “Jeremiah. I’ve had an abortion.” Then she continued with the critique, not sharing anything else personal. I wondered what she thought of me; and, apart from the nuts and bolts of my writing, I wondered what she thought of the theme of my book. What she thought of the stand I’d taken.

One thing that amazed me was, this woman was also a Christian. It may sound self-righteous of me (and it is) but somehow I’ve always felt the abortion issue was one that hit out there, and not as close to home as our local churches. But it does.

It brought me to understand how far reaching this problem is, and the misconception of the guiltless crime.

What have I decided. I will put the bumper sticker on. I believe I have to. We are more and more becoming tolerant of abortion. We are forgetting that a life is being taken. Some will be offended. I’m sure of it. But what if I get one person to think? One person to consider, “What’s God’s Opinion?” What if I sway one person’s way of looking at the issue?

If you see my car, and my bumper sticker, please remember, I’m not doing this to offend, but to make you think; to slam your brain with that word–Murder. We cannot tidy up the procedure with sterile terms, nor distance ourselves from our guilt by chanting, “A Women’s Right to Choose.” It’s a Life!

Our Opinion Should not be Above God’s . . .


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Try, Try Again

imagesI’ve been avoiding this. Haven’t wanted to mention it and hoping that no one would remember. But the sad truth is, once it’s out there, it’s out there. I blogged about it. Can’t pretend I didn’t.

My weight-loss journey. If you remember, a few months before Christmas, I posted that I’d lose fifty pounds before the end of the year.

Some have asked me, “How’d you do?”

I failed. It’s that plain and simple. I failed. I stand right where I was in September.

I’d like to say it was the holidays, with all the rich food. I’d like to say it was my wife and my move, which sent me into a tale spin of eating at fast food places several times a week.

I’d like to say all of this, and any other excuse I can think of, but the truth is (and this is what I said a couple of blogs ago) I am responsible for my choices. I chose to fail.

So along with many of my friends (those who have mentioned it to me privately and those who have FB posted) I will endeavor to do better in the New Year.

Forgetting what is behind, and not letting past failures hold me back with the guilt and frustration they bring, I will try to learn from my mistakes and do better in the present and in the future.

If anyone has any suggestions, I would gladly listen.

For those who told me they were seeking to lose weight, I will continue to lift you up in prayer.


For those who said they’d pray for me, PLEASE KEEP PRAYING!

For those who have succeeded in maintaining weight loss, you have my new found respect. God bless you!

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Finding Faith in the Christmas Story

3_wisemenSome of the events of the Christmas story amaze me.

For instance, let’s look at the story (in the book of Luke, chapter 1) of two individuals who met the angel, Gabriel – Mary and Zechariah.

Good old Zechariah was a priest. He was trained in the ways of God. In the story, an angel tells him he’ll be the father of John the Baptist. Another miraculous birth foretold.

Gabriel also appeared to Mary, to tell her she would give birth to Jesus.

Both were contacted by the angel Gabriel. Both told of a miraculous birth.

Mary response–”Behold the handmaiden of the Lord.” She had the faith to accept God’s decree. Zechariah’s response– “How can this happen?” 

One believed, the other doubted. What amazes me is, the doubter was the priest; the one knowledgeable in the ways of the Lord. Shouldn’t he have had faith? Mary was a young woman; probably a teenager. She had more faith than the priest.

Let’s look at another story – the Wisemen. . .Kings. . .Magi. . .whatever you want to call them. Compare and contrast them to King Herod. (Found in Matthew, chapter 2) Both were Learned. Both were rich.

Here’s the difference. The Magi sought Jesus, to worship Him. Herod sought Jesus, to destroy Him. As a matter of fact, according to the records, all of Jerusalem was troubled at the birth of Jesus. What an amazing thing. We can assume that the majority of Jerusalem was of the Jewish faith; long awaiting their coming Messiah. Yet when He appears, the ones who should have known, the one who were brought up in the rich culture of Jerusalem, wanted nothing to do with Jesus. Herod didn’t want to be dethroned. Instead, he sought his death! All of Jerusalem wasn’t much better. I guess Jesus was going to upset the status quo.

Let’s contrast that to the Magi, who were pagan astrologers. Yet, they came bearing gifts, to worship the King of kings.

What truly amazes me is that in these two stories, the ones who should have known, the ones who should have believed, the ones who’s lives should have been impacted by Jesus, failed. It was the young, it was the “nonbelievers” who were open to listen; open to having their lives changed.

How about you?

Sometimes we’re so knowledgeable (like the priests), so close to the religious things (like the people of Jerusalem), that we don’t react to God with faith; don’t want to have our lives touched. It might upset the status quo.

Be careful in your celebration of Christmas. Have faith, like Mary, to believe the miraculous power of God. Be careful. Allow Jesus to impact your life, like the Magi, who were willing to kneel before the king of kings?


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Tinsel Rage

imagesYou’ve heard of Road Rage? Well, I have Tinsel Rage. What’s that, you may ask? It’s an uncontrollable anger, brought on by the pressure of the holiday. It’s named for Tinsel. Do you remember tinsel? I’m not sure if they even have it anymore. My wife outlawed it from our house years ago.

Tinsel– Strands of silver glitter that I used to take by the handful and toss against the tree. It would resemble clumps of wet spaghetti as it clung to the branches. Come to think of it, maybe that’s why my wife outlawed it.

Tinsel– Made from some type of metal (lead or aluminum) that your dad would ball up and shove into an empty socket on a string of Christmas lights, to complete the electric circuit, thus saving the set (and potentially burn the tree down).

Tinsel Rage. In the last couple of days it has overpowered me.

Last night, when I was trying to order Christmas gifts through the internet. The stupid company told me it was shipping the boxes to my old address. “No, you dumb computer,” I yelled at the top of my voice. It was midnight and I woke my wife. She stumbled out of the bedroom to find me sprawled across the living room floor, Ipad in hand, turning a shade of green that resembled more the Incredible Hulk than the festive Christmas color. With teeth grinding, I barely was able to stop myself from twisting the demon tablet into a pretzel and smashing it into the wall. “Change the address,” I hollered while punching at the screen. “Change the address!”

Thankfully, my wife talked me down. It’s amazing, but she seems immune to the powers of Tinsel Rage. She found the phone number of the company. At 12:30 AM, I was talking to the representative who was from some foreign land that didn’t celebrate Christmas. Hence they knew nothing of Tinsel Rage!

Today, between Bible study and visiting some shut-ins, I was trying to run a few quick errands on the limited amount of time that I had, knowing full well that the dreaded clock, registering the days left before Christmas, is ticking down. Why did the man get his car in the way of the cheap gas station and force me to drive on to the one that was three cents more per gallon? THREE CENTS MORE PER GALLON!!! Why did the people at the pumps park in all different directions and block me from getting in? Why did the two old men stand by their cars, after they were all done, chatting away, instead of moving!!? “MAY YOU BE BOILED IN YOUR OWN CHRISTMAS PUDDING!!”

I tell you right now, if I was the Incredible Hulk (the comic book character who morphs with his anger) the scream I let out in the confines of my car . . . the frustration I felt, would have changed me into a raving version of the grinch!

Tinsel Rage. A terrible thing.

Maybe it’s the pressure of our recent move. Trying to get the new house all set. Maybe it’s the impending weekend snow storm and the probability of a cancelled Sunday morning worship service. Maybe it’s the desire to have the perfect Christmas. All I know is I seem to be seeing red and turning green a little more than usual this year.

Charlie Brown had his depression at this time of year. I have my rage.

By the way, I’m feeling better now. Really. I am.

I think me and Charlie’s problem have the same solution. In the TV special (Charlie Brown’s Christmas), he asks, “Can’t anyone tell me what Christmas is all about?” Linus steps on the stage and says (I’m only going to quote part of the verses he spoke), “Then the angel said to them, Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people. For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. And this will be the sign to you: You will find a Babe wrapped in swaddling cloths, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying: Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace, goodwill toward men! (Luke 2:10-14). That’s what Christmas is all about Charlie Brown.”

Do you get Tinsel Rage? Christmas Depression? Are you overwhelmed with the prep time of Christmas? Stressed about trying to buy the perfect gift?

Trying to do everything you feel you need to do before December 25th is like endeavoring to get two gallons of milk in a one gallon jug. It can’t be done.

Maybe you, like me, have taken your eye off of what it’s truly all about. Take a deep breath. Step back and see what the day is.

For unto you is born this day. . .a Saviour. . . Christ the Lord!

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To Chop or not to Chop. . .

cutting-down-christmas-390x220It’s happened! Someone has said something so stupid, so out of touch with reality, that it shocked me into silence. But now I have regained my voice!

It all started when I  shared with this particular person my family’s tradition of cutting down our Christmas tree. I gotta tell you, I have no qualms about having a real tree. Trees can be replenished; replanted. . . but I don’t want to get into that right now.

Let’s dwell instead on the reply I received to tradition–

“I don’t believe in murdering innocent trees.” That’s what the person told me. Then the speaker of these words of wisdom gave me a knowing smile that said, “A-hah! I’ve silenced you with my profound wisdom; You Tree Murderer!”

Truth be known, she silenced me, not with her words of wisdom, but with her profound silliness. 

The only way I get through conversations with a person like this is to envision a squirrel in their head, running around in one of those wheels; telling them what to say. A really nutty squirrel at that. Try using this technique. It’s a lot of fun. Makes the conversation almost tolerable.

Since the time I was accused of being a murderer, I’ve come up with a few replies. See what you think.

1. The trees I cut down aren’t innocent trees. They’re condemned to death row for acts of aggression against humankind. ie- They’ve thrown themselves in front of skiers, or crashed into unsuspecting cars during wind storms. I am merely serving as executioner.

2. I only cut down those trees who’ve chosen to die. They suffer from some dread disease, and I am assisting them in their suicide; their passage to the forest in the great beyond. Death with Dignity!

3. I’m rescuing these trees from the cold, bleakness of winter. I bring them into my home; give them a place of honor in my living room; adorn them with ornaments! Hey! It’s better than having birds and chipmunks pooping in their branches.

4. Don’t judge me! I am Pro-Choice! The right to cut or not to cut. It’s my Christmas. Don’t you dare tell me what to do with it.

As I was thinking of these witty comebacks (at least I think they’re witty), a terrible thought came to mind. . . Maybe I’m looking at this the wrong way. Is it possible, in some sick way, I enjoy cutting down these noble pines? Is it possible that it’s not about Christmas at all?

Am I a Serial Chopper? Do I lust after the smell of fresh sap oozing from an open wound; to see my fallen victim, lying before me? O woe is me! I long to run through the forest; the Jack the Ripper of the woods; axe swinging carelessly, defoliating the entire planet for my perverse pleasure. Is this possible????

Nope. I don’t think so. I’m sticking with my original conclusion– The answer the person gave me was one of the silliest comments ever made.

Merry Christmas. Save a tree! Hang lights on the Politically Kookie instead.

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Are Churches Creating Spiritual Zombies?

DownloadedFileA few months ago, I began a series on Spiritual Zombies. They went on vacation for a while. But now, the Zombies have returned.

Announcing . . .

The Return of the Spiritual Zombies! Bwahahaha! 

[So, if you’d like to catch up on past Zombie posts, go to the right side of my blog’s home page. Under Categories, click on Zombies!! You’ll find all you need. While you’re over there, why not subscribe to my blog. It doesn’t hurt, it’ll help me out, and it will only mean you will receive an email whenever I post.]

Question–Are churches creating Spiritual Zombies? 

Answer– In some cases, YES. Many times, we teach people how to be moral; how to be “Ethical Christians”, forgetting there’s something more important than that. The primary purpose of the church is to restore people’s relationships with God through Jesus Christ.

Moral or ethical living without a relationship with God is still spiritual death.

To illustrate, let me tell you a story. I recently came down stairs for breakfast. To my surprise, a Zombie was sitting at my table.

He was a teenager; had a ballcap pulled down on his head, semi hiding a hanging ear. He gave me a half smile. . .because half his teeth were missing. (Remember, he was a Zombie) and said, “Hi dad.” It sounded more like “Grrriibble mphahh!!” Thankfuly, I speak a little Zombie and was able to translate.

“You’re not my son,” I said.

“Sure I am.” He spooned some cereal into his mouth. Sadly, it slipped through a hole in his cheek and drooled down his chin. This in itself wasn’t proof he wasn’t one of my sons. I’d seen them drool in a similar way.

I shook my head, as I got myself a bowl of granola (trying to stick to my diet). “Sorry, but I have four sons. You don’t look like any of them. Besides, you’re a Zombie.”

“But I act like your son. Look, I washed the dishes.” He pointed to the sink, where a pile of broken glass was strewn all around.

I gave him an A for effort, but couldn’t let him believe a lie. “You’re not my son.”

“But I mowed the lawn.”

I shook my head.

“I ate the cat. . .err I mean I fed the cat.”

I thought this an odd thing to say, seeing as we don’t even have a cat. “Err. . .Where’s my wife?”

He gave a sheepish Zombie look and shrugged his shoulders.

“Look, Mr. Zombie. . .”


“Kevin. I’m sorry, but you’re not my son. You may do all the chores they do. . .” I gazed back at the broken dishes. “Or at least, try to do them. . .but that doesn’t matter. My wife and I have six wonderful children who were born to us. You’re not one of them. At best, you’re someone who’s trying really hard.”

People are like this; sometimes churches– They do all the right things. We teach children memory verses; we learn the ten commandments; the 23rd psalm. We try to be good. With raised hands, we sing the proper praise songs, we take communion. Some have Confirmation classes. There’s all kinds of ways we can do the right things. But without a relationship with God, what good is it? We are still outsiders.

In Matthew 7:22-23, Jesus said, “Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me.”

Christians, let’s be very careful. Where’s our emphasis– Teaching people how to live moral lives on the outside, or showing them how to get clean on the inside; how to restore a relationship with God? Sadly, if churches emphasize the outward things, in a couple of generations they’ll forget what they were all about.

As I was trying to explain this to Kevin, I hadn’t realized he’d gotten out of his seat and slowly made his way behind me. “Kevin. . .Why are you trying to bite my head?”

Next time – What Spritual Zombies Want! BRAINS!

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My Weight Loss Journey Continues

imagesIt’s been a long two weeks. For those who are following my weight loss journey, you know I had a terrible weigh in a couple of weeks ago. It was so bad, I didn’t even list the pounds gained.

Wouldn’t it have been nice if it were simply ounces gained, but no such luck.

This passed Saturday, I was pleasantly surprised at a nine pounds loss.


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Please keep me in your prayers for my next weigh in. MUCH PRAYER NEEDED.

Let me explain why.

I have never lost weight three weeks in a row. For over a year I have been keeping track of my weight through week to week weigh-ins. They may go– loss, loss, gain. . .gain, loss, loss. . .gain, gain, gain. . .loss, gain, loss. . . You get the picture.

But they’ve never gone loss, loss, loss. 


Pray for me!

Also, on a personal note, my wife and I are closing on a house the end of this week. That means a lot of stress, a lot of going back and forth to the new home with boxes and the such, which will mean grabbing food on the road.

…I don’t do good with food on the road.

I need His strength!

Also, several of my friends have shared with me that they too are on a weight loss journey. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE. May you be encouraged by the fact that I pray for you every day. I know God is with you!

Well, that’s it for now! Remember, even when you have bad weeks (like I did) don’t give up! God can do great things in you.

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