Author Archives: jpeters_admin

Interruptions- The Truth About Them

You wouldn’t know it by the attitude I exude, but I like order. The first question I ask my wife in the morning is- “WHAT’S FOR SUPPER?” I can’t help it. I need to plan my day accordingly. I don’t … Continue reading

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Beware False Swans

If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck . . . It may not be a duck. My wife and I were driving down a back road in New Hampshire, enjoying the scenery. That’s when we saw … Continue reading

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I’m Having a Heart Attack!

“I’m having a heart attack. Help Me!” Those words ended it all. Not my life. Just the “discussion”. I’d taken a part-time, third shift security guard job. This entailed sitting all night, all alone, at the main entry desk to … Continue reading

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Love and the Freeway

God is love. Almost everyone believes this. The question is, what does it mean? Does it mean  humans can do anything they want, live any way they want, and God is okay with it? “Hey, He’s love! That means He doesn’t … Continue reading

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Second Chances

Are you angry with anyone? Holding a grudge? Wow! That’s so human of you. One thing I can say for sure, It’s definitely not divine. That’s the great thing about God. He’s not in the grudge business. He gives second … Continue reading

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Things I Hate! Really! I’m Not Making This Up!

Lots of hate flying around today. Dems and Reps calling each other nasty names. People refusing to go to the inauguration. It all seems a little crazy to me. I have to admit, during the election cycle, I got swept up in … Continue reading

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Turning the World Upside Down

Many people are weeping over this presidential election. “O woe is me! Our world is doomed!” Okay, so maybe I’ve moaned a tad, myself. But, you gotta understand, my candidate is a very flawed human being? Will you say that? … Continue reading

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It’s All About the Potpourri

      The other day while I was in a local coffee shop, my friend Henry came running up to me, all excited. “I figured it out!” “What?” I asked. He slid into the seat across from me, sipping … Continue reading

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Spiritual Amnesia- The Deadly Sickness

Recently, I’ve been chastised for some of my Facebook posts. Knowing I want to publish books, a friend’s advice was meant to stop me from sounding too angry. I wouldn’t want to alienate future readers, now would I? Creepers! It’s … Continue reading

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Which Heaven are You Going to?

Sad, sad news. My wife and I are going to different heavens. At least different areas of heaven. If heaven were a skyscraper, I’d be up in the penthouse (where I belong of course) and she’d be . . . … Continue reading

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