The Land of Biblical Illiterates

WWJD. Do you remember what those initials stand for? I think it was some time in the 80’s, when the phrase “What Would Jesus Do?” became popular.

I have a problem. I think if you ask a lot of people this question today, they’d answer with a shrug, accompanied by a dull, “I don’t know.” Most people don’t know what Jesus would do, because He’s nothing more to them than the little baby on Christmas cards, or some great religious teacher from a long time ago.

In an age when morals are eroding, how can God make any inroads if no one is listening to HIM speak through His word.

Christians Are Becoming Biblical Illiterates

I was teaching at a youth retreat, when the following happened– Some of the staff were doing their nightly devotions together. I listened as they expounded on End-Time theology (i.e.  Sin growing worse, Rapture, Seven years tribulation, Second coming). All the highlights that would make for a blockbuster movie.

I asked, “Where does the Bible say these things?” I want you to know from the get go, I’m not doubting the second coming, just wondering where they got their theology.

Remember! Theology without a Biblical basis has a tendency to slip into people’s opinions.

“It’s in Revelations,” they told me.

“But where?”

I was answered with dumb looks and accusing stares, as if by questioning them, I was denying the Bible, Jesus, and mom’s apple pie.

I am greatly afraid that we are not simply sliding down the hill of Biblical illiteracy, but we’ve hit the bottom, crashed through the surface to an underground land of ignorant happiness.

Where Do You Get Your Answers for the Tough Issues of the Day?

What are the divisive issues we face? I don’t want to bring up any particular one. I’ll leave that to your imagination. There are plenty that make your blood boil; that divide our nation. When questioned about these, what is your response? What is your opinion?

–Do you spout the party line, not knowing where you got it, but saying it anyways?

–Do you listen to your favorite author, or worse yet, get your answers from that great source of Theology– Television?

–Do you answer, “God is love” as you all hold hands and sing Kumbaya like flower children?

We Need to Return to the Bible!

As Christians, living behind enemy lines (I truly believe we’re in a time when the world in anti-Christian), we need to base what we believe, not on what we feel; not on the doctrinal flavor of the week or what society says.

When asked What Would Jesus Do, we need to give HIS answer, not our own. That can only be found in His unchanging Word!

2 Timothy 2:15 “Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”

I urge all Christians to study God’s Word. 

–You should do this on your own. Set aside time every day to read God’s Word.

–You should do this with other Christians. Get involved with a Bible Study. Sit under the teaching of a Pastor.

Do this so that if someone says to you, WWJD? You’ll have the right answer!

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Rest in the Lord

Have you ever stayed awake all night, fretting about something? Maybe it was job or family related. Maybe it was a health issue or the fact that your team didn’t make the Super Bowl.

What’s causes you to lose sleep? 

I’ll admit, I’ve had many a sleepless nights, worried about issues that seemed so important to me, like a child’s health. Some were less important– “Did I buy enough burger for the cookout?” or “Where did that spider go that was just walking across my ceiling?”

The apostle Peter puts me to shame.

Acts 12:5-7 Peter was therefore kept in prison, but constant prayer was offered to God for him by the church. And when Herod was about to bring him out, that night Peter was sleeping, bound with two chains between two soldiers; and the guards before the door were keeping the prison. Now behold, an angel of the Lord stood by him,. . . and he struck Peter on the side and raised him up, saying, “Arise quickly!” And his chains fell off his hands. 

Herod was persecuting the church. Peter was chained between two guards. The next day he was going to be killed. Herod had already killed James. Why in the world would he spare Peter? So how does he spend that last night? Is he fretting? Planning his escape? Wondering if he did something wrong?

No. He was sleeping!

Aa a matter of fact, he was sleeping so soundly that the angel who came to rescue him, had to whack Peter on the side of the head to wake him up.

How in the world could He sleep at a time like is?

The answer- Peter was totally resting in the Lord; not a physical rest, but a spiritual rest.

Matthew 11:28 Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

To rest in the Lord we must-

–Believe He’s in Control of Everything 

You know the old song- He’s got the whole world in His hands, with its countless verses about little tiny babies and the such. I have to add a verse. He’s got the gray bearded, tall and “slightly” heavy, father of six, warped sense of humor, men in their fifties, in His hands.

You get the idea. Make up a verse for yourself. At night when sleeps escaping you, remind yourself- He is there. He’s got His arms wrapped around you.

–Submit to Him.

This isn’t easy. We’d rather do it ourselves. But there are some things we can’t do. All our worry does no good.

Look to God. Say, “Father, I don’t know what the outcome of this situation is. . .I have no control over it. I place my trust, my life, in you.”

Did Peter know that God was going to rescue Him? I don’t think so. He simply trusted that no matter what happened, God was in control.

Next time you start tossing and turning, remember the example of Peter–facing death and yet able to sleep. Believe in the Lord. Rest in Him.

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Christians! Focus on What’s Important!


imagesWhat’s a lion tamers most important piece of equipment? Think about it. He enters the cage, facing the roaring lions. He has a whip, a chair. Maybe some goodies for the beasts. Guess what?

The chair is the most important thing! 

Why? When it’s waved in the lions’ face, I’m told, it confuses them. They have trouble figuring out which leg to focus on; which to attack, and they forget all about the man behind the stool.

Christians are like the lions. We are being confused; manipulated. The enemy is holding up a chair; one leg is homosexual marriage; another is abortion; another premarital sex. There’s a whole bunch of legs I could throw out there. We start focusing on one issue, and all of a sudden, a different leg comes into view. Confused, our eyes dart back and forth.

Don’t get me wrong. I support, one hundred per cent, those individuals and groups that take Biblical stands on these controversial issues. Our Supreme Court recently upheld sin as legal. Thank God for those who stand for righteousness.

But, do we feel like we’re losing the battle, because we’re so focused on the stool’s legs, we forget our primary purpose?

A religious leader came to see Jesus. He wanted to talk side issues.

“Jesus,” he said. “You’re a good teacher. You must have come from God.”

But Jesus responded by focusing on what was important. (John 3:3) “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.

That, my friend, is what is important.

Mark 16:15 “He (Jesus) said to them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.’” This is the church’s purpose; helping God open eyes; changing hearts.

There are tons of people who fall on the wrong side in arguments about the hot button issues of the day. The trouble is, they truly believe they’re sticking up for people’s civil rights; defending the weak. They have no concept of what God’s Word says. Arguing with them is futile.

In a fallen and broken world, people can’t see things from God’s point of view. They can’t see the kingdom of God until the blinders have been removed from their eyes. 

They Must be Born Again. 

I can try to convince them to change their opinion. If I succeed, that’s wonderful. But if I haven’t opened their eyes to Life in Jesus, but simply changed a moral or ethical view, have I accomplished the bigger purpose to which God has called me?

So, in today’s society, Satan is having a field day. He waves one outrageous view after another in the face of the Christian. Will we fall for the ploy? Will we take our eyes off of what we’re truly supposed to be about, and go after the stool’s leg? Will we focus all of our energy on the battle, but forget the war that rages for the hearts of men? Will we get caught up in attacking an issue, but not changing a life.

Jesus answered and said to him, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”

Dear Lord, help me to turn people back to you. To change hearts; open eyes.


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Elevator Evangelism

elevatorYes! You heard right. Elevator Evangelism; a new, cutting edge way to share your faith. You may ask, what is it? I’ll tell you.

Recently I had the great fortune of taking an exciting elevator ride with a group of friends. Hey. I don’t get out much. That ride was the highlight of my week.

Once we began moving, one of the ladies said, “Do you know what I like to do on an elevator?” She turned her back to the door, and faced everyone; gazing into our eyes. “It drives people crazy. Everyone always faces the door. For me to face them, makes people nervous.”

She was right. Someone staring at you on an elevator, kind of freaks you out.

Wanting to contribute, I added, “Do you know what I like to do on elevators?” They all looked at me. In answer to their inquisitive gaze, I jumped in the air, and came down hard, shaking the whole elevator. Then I repeated and repeated, like the instructions on shampoo (rinse and repeat).

Some of the ladies laughed a bit nervously. Others braced themselves against the side, waiting for the whole car to go crashing down. That’s when it hit me!

“Ladies,” I said. “Are you ready to meet your maker?”

ELEVATOR EVANGELISM. Shock people! Bring them to the reality that they may be within seconds of death. Then hit them with the big question! Yes!

In considering this type of evangelism, one must understand that its effectiveness will be in direct proportion to the amount of shake-idge one can give to the car. In other words, little skinny people won’t have the same effect as big guys like me. I can make that car shake and moan, as if the cables are about to snap like a strand of spaghetti (Angel Hair). Whereas, some little drink of water will merely get a smirk or grumble from their target audience when they try to do the same thing.

My solution for the skinny guy–

1. Gain weight. I recommend a diet that includes two to three Big Mac’s per day. Within a couple of weeks, you should see some results. “What?” you complain. “That’s unhealthy.” To which I answer, “How dare you. Isn’t the benefit worth the cost? How will you make this work if you aren’t willing to put some effort into it?”

2. You could also try a variation on Elevator Evangelism. I’m sure you can think of a number of ways skinny people could frighten someone into the Kingdom– i.e. Go around at night wearing a hockey mask. When someone walks by, jump out from behind a tree, waving a baseball bat, and screaming the same “. . .meet your maker,” question.

Sad thing is, many people don’t think of their eternal destination until faced with a crisis situation. If you haven’t considered the answer to the “Maker” question, don’t wait until some crazy man shakes the elevator. Look to Jesus now!

If you are a follower of Christ, isn’t the truth of John 3:16 wonderful? “For God so LOVES the world. . .” Sharing His love will probably get better results than shaking an elevator. . .But you never know.

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Spiritual Zombies The Cure- Part Two

DownloadedFileProfessor Grimwell was locked in his garage, struggling to find a cure for the Zombies. His beloved wife was infected. During the many days of research, he heard her, moaning and shuffling around, outside. Finally, after many failed attempts– “Eureka! The cure!”

!!! Spoiler Alert. This is a series, which deals with Spiritual Zombies. To see earlier installments, go to the category tab on the right side of the blog page, select Zombies!!!

There is no greater issue that you will ever deal with than this. Please give serious thought to where you stand with God. It is the most important decision of your life.

The cure for Spiritual Zombie-ism is Jesus, the ONLY solution for spiritual death. “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.” (Acts  4:12)

Far from sounding narrow-minded, this fact speaks a wonderful truth– God Loves you. “God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16)

He showed His love by dying in our place. “God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8). God looked to a world that was dead; a people that had walked away from Him and couldn’t find their way back. He reached down in love, and said, “Here I am! Follow me!”

Good News! The Cure is Offered to EVERYONE. In God’s word, Paul was asked the question. “What must I do to be saved?” (Acts 16:30). The answer– “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you shall be saved . . . .”

-Believe that He died for you.

-Confess your sins and Ask forgiveness.

-Ask Jesus Christ to be a part of your life.

He says He will be there for anyone who seeks Him. “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Romans 10:13).

One of the toughest things to do in our nation today is to get someone to admit they are not a Christian, hence they are spiritually dead, or what we are calling Spiritual Zombies.

It’s hard to do because, we’ve been Christianized– We kind of believe there is a god, but he really doesn’t effect our lives. We go to church. We believe in God and Jesus. Yet the Bible says Satan does too, and trembles.

Let’s look beyond what the culture has taught us to what God says in His word.

1. There’s a Problem– Our sin. It separated us from God.

2. There’s a Solution– Jesus Christ. He paid the price for our sin and reestablished a relationship.

3. There’s an Offer– Receive Him.

What do You Think? The decision is yours. God is a gentleman. He will not force Himself on anyone. God offers you life, but the decision is yours. Look at what His word says. “For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.” (John 3:17)

Trying to keep my blogs to around five hundred words, there’s only so much I can say. I urge you, if you’d like to know more about the salvation Jesus offers, find a Bible-believing church and speak to someone there.

I may take a somewhat off-beat look at zombies, but your future is nothing to joke about. God has made you an offer. Have you accepted? “Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.’” (John 14:6)

Without Jesus, you are dead inside. Jesus offers you a gift. . . life. Go to Him in prayer. Accept that Gift!



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Be a Part of the Cloud


I’m a little late for memorial day, but wanted to share this brief thought.

Hebrews 12:1-2 “Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”

Christians can look back throughout history and see a great cloud of witnesses who have gone before. This passage mentions them. As a matter of fact, Hebrews, chapter eleven, is filled with the names of old testament folks who stand as shining examples of the faith. We should take them as our examples to encourage us to live strong in the Lord.

With that in mind, I’d like to ask you two questions.

1. Who in your life was an example for Christ? I don’t mean people from Bible times, so don’t mention Paul or David. I mean people who walked along side of you, loved you, mentored you, helped bring you to the Faith. They’re a part of that great cloud of witnesses. Be thankful that the Lord placed them in your life.

2. How do you want to be remembered? Fifty years from now, some of us are going to be dead. I’m not being morbid. Just honest. The question is, when people look back at your life, what will they see? Some in our churches will be remembered for bringing the best baked beans to a church pot luck, or singing loud and off key during the service. Some will be remembered affectionately for falling asleep during the pastor’s message. How will you be remembered? Will you have been an encouragement? A guide or help to some young Christian? Will someone count you as a part of their great cloud of witnesses?

Here’s some advice- Live your life today, in the way that you want to be remembered tomorrow.


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God is in the Pizza!

images       God is in the Pizza. Wait! Before you stone me for being a heretic, let me explain. I’m not saying God is trapped in some pizza crust, or that He’s a big pepperoni. No, no.

Let me begin my explanation by telling you that I have poor eye sight, a result of Keratoconus; a corneal disease. Mine are pointy. Imagine your eyes are cameras. The corneas are the lenses. If the lenses were pointy, your pictures would be distorted.

I describe my vision kind of like Van Gogh’s Starry Night. I see multiples of everything. Blurry too. When the eye doctor says, “Read the first line on the chart”, my problem is, I can’t even see the chart, let alone the first line.

It’s a hoot to drive with me at night. When there’s a car coming at me, I see twelve to twenty headlights.

For years, I prayed, “Lord. Please heal me.” Then I’d wait for the hand of God to reach through my ceiling, pluck out my eyeball, spit-polish it, and put it back in place. Never happened.

Does that mean God doesn’t answer my prayers? No way. We have to remember . . . sometimes God is in the Pizza.

One day, I got a tip from a friend on a good pizza shop. (It always comes back to food, doesn’t it?) I thought I’d give it a try. While waiting for my order, I thumbed through a stack of magazines. One called “Woman’s World”, or “Woman’s Way”, or “The Attack of the Giant Woman” (I really don’t remember the title), caught my eye. Wanting to protect my image of being the strong, masculine type, I looked around to make sure no one  was watching, before thumbing through it.

Low and behold, I came across an article about a woman who suffered from Keratoconus. She’d gone the same route I had; tried surgery, regular contact lenses, prayer cloths made from St. Peter’s tube socks. Nothing worked. Then she heard about a doctor in Massachusetts who’d developed these new lenses. They effectively covered the entire eye, creating a space above the corneas that you fill with saline solution, forming a new front to your eye.

Hey! Was it possible? The woman in the article said she had wonderful results.

The doctor was in Massachusetts. What a stroke of luck. That’s where I live. I hemmed and hawed, wondering if it could be true. I eventually called. Good news. My insurance had just started covering the rather expensive devices. I made an appointment. Long story short. My vision, which used to be 20/300+, has dramatically changed. My left eye is 20/20 and my right eye is 20/50.

So why do I say, “God is in the Pizza.”? If my friend hadn’t mentioned the pizza shop, I never would have gone. I never would have read the article. I never would have found out about these devices. Isn’t it also interesting that I found out about them only after my insurance began picking up the bill? (Thousands of dollars, by the way) Was this all a part of God’s plan?

In 1 Kings 19, we read of the prophet Elijah, a mighty man of God, who performed incredible miracles. But in verses 10-12, he was feeling a bit sorry for himself; having a little pity party. The king was out to kill him, so he hid in a cave. He felt all alone.

He wanted a great miracle from the Lord. But God had something else in store for him. He caused a great wind, an earthquake, and a fire, to pass by. With each one, the Bible says, God was not in them. But then Elijah heard a still small voice. Low and behold, God was in the still small voice.

Many of us are looking for the huge, earth shaking miracles. The earthquake, or fire. We want an angelic choir to appear, hover over us, and sing the Hallelujah chorus. Hold on! Do we forget to see when God is in the still small voice? To see that He is doing the miraculous in the every day events of life? We forget to look for His blessings and see His miraculous hand all around us.

Where can you see God’s hand in your life?

For me, God was in the Pizza

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Spiritual Zombies-The Cure Part 1

images-1Professor Grimwell stumbled down the front steps of his house, racing away from his wife. She lumbered after him, moaning in Zombie language, “Come back, darling. I only want to eat your brains.”

The professor, heartbroken, called over his shoulder, “I’ll find a cure, sweetheart. I’ll find a cure.”

That’s our subject for the day; THE CURE

!!! Spoiler Alert. This is a series, which deals with Spiritual Zombies. Go to the category tab on the right side of the blog page, select Zombies!!! to see earlier installments.

Last time, I ended by asking the question, “Are you a Spiritual Zombie?” We defined them as those who have sinned, therefore have died on the inside.

Quite frankly, if you answer “NO” to this question, I think you aren’t being honest with yourself. You’re like a woman I knew. Sadly, she was dying of cancer. Her husband was worried about where she’d spend eternity. He asked me to come talk to her. A little ways into the conversation, I turned the subject to the spiritual. “We’ve all sinned,” I told her.

“I haven’t sinned,” she answered, a confident smile on her face. A wall went up. The conversation was over.

It’s tough when you’ve blinded yourself to the truth. The Bible says, “All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.” Take an honest-to-goodness look at your life. You aren’t perfect. You sin. So you need to ask yourself, “If this sin has caused a separation between me and God, what are you doing about it?”

Your answer may be, “Now that I’ve been warned, I’ll stop sinning. That won’t work for a number of reasons. Let me point out two of them.

1. You Have to be God to not sin. Maybe we think we can stop sinning, because we classify sins; the nasty ones that get us kicked out of God’s presence and the little ones that He’ll overlook, like some overindulging grandfather. “Poor little Jr. He didn’t mean to be bad.”

Yet the Bible does not classify sin. Read what Jesus said- Matthew 5:21-22 “You have heard that it was said to the people long ago, ‘You shall not murder, and anyone who murders will be subject to judgment.’ But I tell you that anyone who is angry with a brother or sister will be subject to judgment…And anyone who says, ‘You fool!’ will be in danger of the fire of hell.”

Boy, am I in trouble. I mean, I’ve never killed anyone. That’s an all capital letters “SIN!!!” Yet Jesus talked of calling someone a fool, or getting angry with them, in the same light as murder. But aren’t those lower case letters, “sin”? Hardly even noticeable? Not in God’s eyes. Sin is sin.

2. To Stop Sinning Doesn’t take Care of the Original Problem. Let me illustrate. Two boys are out in the yard, playing catch. In order to keep with the zombie motif, we’ll make them Zombie boys. They’re playing catch with someone’s head . . .

Too much? Probably.

Mommy zombie tells them to be careful that they don’t break the house’s big bay window. “Don’t stand in front of it,” she warns. Then she goes shopping. The two boys ignore mom’s advice and continue playing in front of the window. It isn’t long before the ball sails passed them and smashes the window to tiny pieces. Seeing the damage they’ve done, they immediately move. “We’d better do what mommy said.”

When mommy zombie comes home, they holler, “Look, mommy. We’re standing just like you told us to.”

It doesn’t take mommy long to spot the shattered glass. “But you broke the window! Who’s going to pay for that?”

“But we’ve moved. We’re listening to you.”

As much as the two boys were doing what they were told right then, the damage was already done. The window was broken and the cost for repairing it would be much more than they could afford.

That’s how we are. We may say that we are presently following God’s way, but truth be known, the damage is already done. We have sinned. The relationship with God is broken. Being good now, doesn’t pay for past sins.

On top of that, the Bible says, “The wages of sin is death.” (Romans 6:23) In other words, what we’ve earned is death. The price for our sin is too much for us to pay.

So how have you dealt with the price for your sin?

Be of good cheer! God has the cure!

To be continued

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Even a Fish Wouldn’t Get Caught . . .


Photo 136       My wife has a mission in life- To stop my size sixteen foot from going into my mouth. She doesn’t always succeed. An example- Our recent trip to the Supermarket.

I usually shop by myself. I figure, in the old days, men would go forth with muskets and bring home the food. The brave hunter would throw a dead deer on the table and say, “Woman! I have provided.” So I do the same. I slam a pack of burger and a Purdue chicken on the table and say, “Woman! I have provided.” The response is usually, “You got thighs. You were supposed to get drumsticks.”

There are times when my wife shops with me, though. I mention this only so I can blame her for the foot-in-mouth event that happened.

I have a tendency to be an impatient shopper. If someone leaves their cart in my way, to walk a couple of aisles away for a can of spinach, they may find the cart missing when they return. Hey! There are Supermarket rules, you know!

Sometimes, I make comments I shouldn’t. Out of anger, little sharp barbs fly out. This bothers my wife, who, by the way, has the superhuman ability to hold her tongue, no matter what offense is thrown her way. So today, I was going to be on my best behavior.

We’d gathered up our items and got in the checkout line. That’s when the temptation to throw some barbs happened. The woman in front of us was causing a bit of a hold up. It figures. There can be ten lines open and I always pick the wrong one.

But, I had vowed to hold my tongue, and so I would. No outbursts. No rude comments. An occasional eye roll was shared with the cashier, who returned a “sorry about this” look; but that’s it.

The woman went through a whole series of holding-up-the-line activities. One would have thought she practiced these at home, in front of her mirror.

First, she had trouble paying. Her gift card didn’t have enough money on it. She explained that she’d recently gone shopping at Wal-mart. “That must be where the money went.”

Then, she shared with the cashier some of the items she’d bought on that particular shopping spree.

Finally, she paid with a check. When the cashier handed her a receipt, she explained that the girl hadn’t handled the transaction properly, going into details of proper procedure.

And still the woman remained in the check out line, like a brick wall, blocking me; carefully folding her receipt, as if it was a valuable treasure map. Then she checked her bags, probably making sure none of her items had jumped out, trying to escape her insanity.

Through all of this, I remained relatively calm, remembering my vow. But Wait! Light at the end of the tunnel. She moved forward.

Three times, she began moving, only to stop, because she’d thought of something else to check, or of some other witty thing she had to share with the cashier or the bagger. Three times, I began pushing my cart, only to pull up short. Three times, the cart behind me whacked against my rear end.

Finally, after a short conversation with the bagger, she moved enough for me to inch up.

“Success,” I thought. “I didn’t mumble any rude comments!”

As she wheeled away, I leaned over and smirked at the cashier. “You handled that really well.” She smiled and began to ring up my order.

“Sorry about the wait,” the bagger (A young lady) said.

“No big deal,” I answered, my graciousness shining forth, as I gave myself a mental pat on the back for showing my Christ-like attitude. “The poor cashier had to deal with a slightly crazy lady. Happens all the time.” I gave a forgiving laugh.

“Pardon Me,” the bagger said, her smile fading. “I didn’t quite get that.” I repeated my little joke. The girl’s face turned stone serious. “That crazy lady was my mother.”

. . . O boy. . .

The next few minutes were very uncomfortable, quiet, and long. . . Very long. Leaving the store, I proceeded to remove my foot from my mouth.

James 3:5 “Even so the tongue is a little member and boasts great things. See how great a forest a little fire kindles!”

Special Note #1- Though I’d truly like to blame my wife, I’m the one who needs to watch his tongue.

Special Note #2- Even words shared in jest can be hurtful.

Special Note #3- Be careful what you say. You never know who’s listening.


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Chapter 1 The Origin of Spiritual Zombies- Part Three

!! Spoiler Alert. This is a part of a series entitled Zombies!!!. For earlier blogs in the series, go to the categories tab (at the right of the page), and select Zombies!!!

What do we learn about Spiritual Zombies from the Fall of Mankind?

2. It was a Willing Disobedience                                                                                    That’s a major difference between fictitious Zombies and Spiritual Zombies. We assume with the fictitious, becoming a zombie isn’t their fault. Poor Professor Grimwell’s wife was out picking daisies when some “living dead” person snuck up behind her and began munching on her arm. She became infected! Didn’t ask for it. Didn’t send away for it in the mail. It happened without her consent.

But, when Adam and Eve sinned, it was their own fault. They knew what God had said. No one pulled their strings like they were puppets. No one snuck up behind them and did a “GOTCHA!”.

And yet, like good little Spiritual Zombies (or humans, depending on how you look at it), they tried to blame others. After they’d sinned, when they heard God walking in the garden, they hid.                                                                                                                          When God asked Adam what happened, Adam pointed at the woman. “It was her fault!”         Eve pointed at the serpent. “It was his fault!”                                                                          The serpent couldn’t point to anyone. Serpents don’t have fingers. Hahaha . . . Sorry. Bad joke.

But seriously, both Adam and Eve tried to blame someone else. Typical human response. “It’s my upbringing.” “It’s my genes.” “I had a lousy teacher.” “My friends made me do it.” “The dog ate my homework.” From the time we are little children to when we supposedly mature, we try to blame others for our sin.

I am a tad on the heavy side. It’s not my fault. My wife cooks fattening food. Fast food places serve humungus drinks. The lunches in the school cafeteria are so delicious. I can’t help myself. It’s the way God made me. STOP THE EXCUSES!!! I am fat and it is my fault. I choose. I eat. I am wrong.

Let’s get down to where the rubber meets the road. We are all sinners! What excuse do you use for your sin?

3. The Result of Sin is Death                                                                                                       The day Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit was the day they died. No, they didn’t grasp at their throats and topple over, like some scene from a murder mystery; bits of apple spilling from their mouths.

a. They Died Spiritually. A separation from God. Lostness- God banished the two from paradise. Isaiah 59: “But your iniquities have separated you from your God;
your sins have hidden his face from you, so that he will not hear.”

Some may say, “Ha! See it was God’s fault. He threw them out of paradise. He didn’t have to! He could have let them be.” Again, like small children, we stomp our feet on the ground and cry, “It’s not fair!”

Adam and Eve did wrong. There are always consequences for wrong actions; for sin. Please remember, God didn’t kill them. They killed themselves.

b. They Died Physically. They didn’t drop dead on the spot. But it was the day their physical death began. Their bodies began to decay. The curse of sin brought corruption, decay, and death on all of creation.

Therefore- Spiritual Zombies came into being by an act of disobedience, a walking away from God.                                                                                                                                       God said, “Walk with me”.                                                                                                           We said, “We can do it on our own.” And people have been trying to do it on their own since the Fall of Adam and Eve, and failing miserably.

Here’s a sobering question- Are you a Spiritual Zombie?

Look at the facts-                                                                                                                         1. Everyone Sins. Romans 3:23 “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,” Frankly, the person who says they haven’t sinned is such an egotist. They haven’t truly examined themselves.                                                                                                                         2. Sin Brings Death. Romans 6:23a  “the wages of sin is death, . . .” Death is what sin earns.                                                                                                                                                   3. Therefore, since we are all sinners, We are All Dead. We are all Zombies- Dead on the inside. That’s how Jesus described the religious leaders.

Before we move on to more pressing Zombie issues, you need to ask yourself the question- “Am I a Spiritual Zombie?”

I know that part of this series is done, tongue in cheek, but this is an important question. Probably the most important one you will ever ask yourself. If we truly look at ourselves, all of us have to admit we are sinners. Sin brings death!

Perhaps another way of asking the question is, how are you dealing with your sin?

Next time, we will talk about God’s cure for Spiritual Zombies

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